Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sojourn in Madagascar 2--Settling In

Sojourn to Madagascar Part 2
 Settling In

Every morning since arriving here I have started the day with a cold shower, not because I like cold showers but because the hot water heater in our flat doesn’t work. I spoke with the chief financial officer on the 20th, and he indicates that they are planning to fix that. I know what you’re thinking, “You’re in the tropics in the summer time and it is hot and humid—a cold shower ought to be refreshing!” Actually at close to 5,000 ft. elevation, the only part of your equation we don’t have is the “hot.” Unlike La Sierra it has rained every day and every night since we got here.

A View from in front of our flat

The Administration Building center and Part of the Cafeteria on the right

Our house or flat is part of a duplex. We have the west side, and the house faces north, so it will be the shady side for the next few weeks until the sun gets into the north again. We have three bedrooms, a shower/toilet, a kitchen and a living room/dining room. The tile floors are made to look similar to the entry way to our home in Riverside but are probably asbestos tile. The living room is a step down from the rest of the house, and I nearly killed myself on it once. I think I’m getting used to it. So far the temperature indoors has remained in the 60s with a brief excursion into the very low 70s during an early afternoon sunshine spell before the usual afternoon rains set in.

Our duplex neighbors are Tantély and Noeé. Tantély is in the business department, maybe the chair, and Noeé is the head of the language department. They are very friendly and have helped us on numerous occasions when we needed to borrow some salt or a saw, etc.

Pam and Gideon attend the Sambaina Church about a couple miles from here. It is a little church that is struggling. They told us they had to be there at 8:30 for Sabbath School. Since P&G had said nothing Sabbath morning and we were a little late, we left our home at 8:30 and walked down to theirs. As we got there Gideon had just backed out of their carport and was headed up to fetch us. Pam wasn’t quite ready yet.

All of the services at Sambaina are in Malagasy. Most of the words in the language are at least 5 syllables long, and I have detected no cognates to any of the languages I understand, except for some of the Bible names. For example “Jesus” is “Josia”. I felt as though a black, sound blocking veil had been pulled over my head while I was there. Pam led out in the Sabbath School. She brought a student, Rivo (say Reev and leave your lips as though you are going to say the sound “oo” at the end but don’t actually give it voice), who had volunteered to translate to Malagasy for her. She was not very good, probably because her English is quite weak. It became evident that the reason she volunteered to come with us was because there is a boy who attends the church whom she is very interested in.  I see cupid is still alive and well in Madagascar (Mada).

The Sabbath school lesson was about Jeremiah and how he counseled the remnant of Israelites left in Jerusalem not to flee into Egypt. Then when everyone ignored his counsel, he fled with them. I didn’t point out that Ellen White notes that they took him with them (if I remember right). The question one of the theology/ministerial students asked was, “Does God bless or save someone who ignores His instruction?” The discussion went one way and then another. Gideon spoke out in favor of the proposition that God will continue to go with him although God may not protect him from the consequences of his ignoring God’s instruction. When the discussion seemed to be reaching a stalemate, I pointed out that Paul ignored prophets in every church from Asia to Jerusalem who counseled him against going up to Jerusalem. Indeed Paul was imprisoned by the Romans for ignoring God’s counsel, but God did not leave him, and he wrote many of the Pauline epistles included in the Bible while in prison. That New Testament example seemed to lift the stalemate.

In the interval between SS and church, about 200 pathfinders swelled the church to a bursting point. They came from all over Mada, and their intention is to hike 160 km (100 miles) over the ensuing week. They had two major concerns: the first is that it is in the rainy season, and it has rained, sometimes hard, every day over the past two weeks; secondly, they are concerned about bandits or hooligans that might interfere with them. Their leaders directed them in military fashion, and they seemed amenable to the whole idea.

Gideon was the preacher for church. He used the biblical simile of Christians’ being the salt of the earth. This involved spreading the salt sparingly amongst the entire neighborhood so that they could get the benefit of the savor of the salt and not be turned off by too large a dose.

After church we came back to UAZ for lunch with Pam and Gideon although Gideon spent most of the lunch time at a funeral service. Sylvia agreed to speak at the 3:00 meeting, so we went back there and met for another two hours. Sylvia used the example of a paperclip as a symbol for Christians. She spoke very well and had the members and pathfinders hanging onto her every word. Her Toastmasters membership is helping her. Towards the end of the meeting with the Pathfinders, the leader of the meeting insisted they weren’t going to leave me out of the service, so they called me up for the parting prayer. We were able to more or less follow what was going on because throughout all of the meetings a volunteer would attach him- or herself to us and translate what was going on. Some translators were much better than others, but we appreciated all of them. Otherwise sitting there for over 5 hours would have been terribly stressful and boring.

At seven o’clock that evening there was a program put on by the UAZ Student Association in the university church. We got there about 7:15, and the church, which seats over 500 people, was only about a third full. We got a good seat. This time Edwin Burgarary, chair of Theology sat down next to us and translated throughout the whole meeting. The program was in French, and I felt an almost physical lifting of the Malagasy veil. I don’t understand French, but I can almost follow everything that is going on because of the rich set of cognates.

The dean of students spoke at length about the meaning of Christmas. On the whole Christmas is ignored in Mada, and Adventists are traditionally skeptical about Christmas and its pagan origins and secularization. Then the students did a dramatization of the life of Christ with emphasis on His birth and His passion. Many of the songs used in the drama were in English. A small portion of the drama was in Malagasy. I could sense it instantly because of the mental veil I mentioned above in relation to Sambaina.

The dean had urged the students to sit quietly throughout the presentation and not to laugh or applaud. I guessed that he was standing in front of an ocean and demanding the tide not to come in. The program started with the annunciation to Mary. It then showed a skit of Joseph’s receiving the news of his fiancée’s pregnancy. I could sense a growing swell of response amongst the students. Then when Christ was born and the grand carols of Christmastide, both English and French, were sung, the joy of the audience burst into a crescendo of applause and cheering. The whole story of Christ’s birth, ministry, death, and resurrection was enacted. The audience was caught up in the drama. All of the music was played between 110 and 120 dB. (120dB usually causes pain in the eardrums, and I felt the pain!)

I spoke briefly with the dean of students afterwards.  I told him of how I sensed the joy and full involvement of the audience throughout the performance. Furthermore, I suggested that if the students had remained quiet and unresponsive, even the stones of the building would have cried out. He still looked glum because the students had not adopted his sophisticated stoic attitude. Sylvia and I walked the little over a kilometer (about 0.6 miles) home enjoying the fresh damp air and allowing the silence of the night to soothe our aching eardrums.

On Sunday we got up late, and then P&G  took us in to Antsirabe (the nearest real town to buy groceries, about an hour’s drive south of UAZ) to do a bit of shopping. We stopped at Super Maxi Foods, an Indian run shop and bought a few things. We went there first because it closes at noon on Sundays.

The market came next. Many of the stands were closed because it was Sunday. It has a roof over most of it, a necessity in this very rainy area. Everybody is expected to dicker for everything. Since we are vazaha (whites or aliens), we never get the best prices anyway. We bought plums, small papayas, small bananas, carrots, avocados, beets, cucumbers, small mild chilis, green beans, and more litchis than I could eat in 100 years. The largest unit of currency in Mada is a 10,000 Ariary note (worth about $3). It is still regarded by the people manning the market booths as too large to spend there. This will give you an indication of the price of vegetables and the amount of cash each agent keeps on herself.

Finally we stopped at a Shop Rite grocery store, and I spent the rest of the 350,000 Ariary ($110 U.S.) I got as an advance. Shop Rite seems to have a lot of foods imported from South Africa. P&G took us out to a pizza place in a former club for the ruling French. The food is good and hopefully safer to eat than that obtainable at a hotely (the local eateries that are all over the town). I’m still afraid of the “Montezuma’s revenge” that is so rife where people never wash their hands before fixing the food. I have suffered from this malady twice recently. The first one was in Namibia, and it took me close to a year to get rid of that one. The other one was in Monterey, Mexico, and was cured by a quick dose of antibiotics.

Pam is trying to prepare us to go shopping without her around. Since I have no maps of the cities, and streets are never labeled, and no buildings are numbered, it remains to be seen if I can find my way around the towns. If I get some Internet and a printer and some paper, maybe I can make some maps.

On Tuesday, after staff worship at 7:30 a.m., Sylvia and I met with Pam, who is leading out in the conversational English classes, and Anita who has been teaching most of our classes while we have been processing the red tape to get here. We spent most of the morning learning what we needed to do and setting up a schedule. Sylvia will be doing 8 units of classes that have a fair amount of writing and hence grading. I will be doing 13 units of conversation classes, where I will be doing no grading of written work.

We were supposed to have had this meeting on Monday, but the physical plant crew was working on our home. They got most of the work done, except for getting the hot water heater working. They assured me there was nothing wrong with it. They pointed out that it actually got the water a little warmer than the cold tap. But it was still much cooler than lukewarm. Their English was much better than my Malagasy, but that’s not saying much. I simply put my hand under the tap and said, “It’s not warm.” Finally they gave up and left. Finally on Thursday afternoon they got a new heater and installed it. So we got hot water as a Christmas present. And it is much appreciated!

We spent most of Monday in the Faculty Lounge working with the Internet. It was somewhat frustrating because the Internet is flaky at best. Then the power goes off several times a day. About noon Gideon came into the Faculty Lounge and invited us to join him, Pam, and Jemima (a prospective teacher) to eat in the student dining room. We found the food to be excellent—well good—and we can eat lunch there for only 3000Ar (about $1). A meal consists of a tray with a large mound of rice in the center and 5 or 6 vegetables around the mound. I think that when we actually start teaching (January 4), we will eat there quite often.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Our Imaginations Versus the Real Thing

John 1: 18
The Message Bible
No one has ever seen God,
     Not so much as a glimpse.
This one of-a-kind God-Expression,
     Who exists at the very heart of the Father,
     Has made Him plain as day.

We read about Madagascar, about its poverty, its people. We imagined what is must be like. We read about the tourist attractions, the rain forests, the lemurs, and the marvelous diversity of its flowering plants.
Now we’ve been here nearly a week. We’ve driven down the streets and roads, rich with potholes, big potholes. We’ve jostled with semi’s, trucks, big busses, little busses, pickups, luxury cars, small cars, motor cycles, scooters, oxen-pulled carts, hand carts piled higher than I ever would have imagined, rickshaws, bicyclists, pedestrians—hundreds of pedestrians, dogs, and chickens. None of these gives an inch on the road. All take death-defying (and sometimes not defying) chances.

The cities are brown, dirty, bustling with life. The countryside is a rich green, the result of daily rains. The hills are bare of forests, bare of the diversity. The valleys are all partitioned off into thousands of rice paddies. There is a vast carefully engineered network of aquifers carrying the life giving streams to more paddies higher up on the sides of the hills. Bare paddies have women and girls working ankle to calf deep in the water and mud with large handfuls of rice plants that are planted in neat rows.

Now I know the real Madagascar a little bit. It’s not like I imagined. It’s not like the way it is painted in tour guide books. In a similar way, God was described, painted, represented a thousand ways to me as a child. I formed pictures of Him as a vengeful, exacting, controlling tyrant. Then I met Christ, full of love, mercy, and grace.

Thank You, heavenly Father, for sending Christ so that I might know the real God.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Sun After Rain

Genesis 1: 14-15
Message Bible
God spoke: “Lights come out!
Shine in Heaven’s sky!
Separate Day from Night
Mark seasons and days and years
Lights in Heaven’s sky to give light to Earth.”
And there it was.
I went outside about 5:30 this morning. My whole being just urged me outside. For the first time in about a week the Sun was shining. Blue sky blessed the thousand clouds that flecked and half-covered the tropical Madagascar sky. A lovely rift of blue opened up in the east. I had missed its powerful warmth and clear light. Trees and houses and people cast shadows. Their sharp outline against the blue sky made them look more real.

Dozens of birds sang, twittered, chirped, whistled, squeaked, croaked, and tweeted, praising God for the bright clear sunshine. Droplets of water from the last 5 days of cloud, darkness, drizzle, and rain glistened like gems from every blade of grass and tree leaf. Scattered flowers, washed clean from the days of rain, now interrupt the red and green earth with bright, happy colors.

We had come virtually sleepless through three days of darkness, flying close to the North Pole and its winter gloom. We had drilled our way through obscuring clouds onto a black Antananarivo runway, then piled our bags into a tiny car in the rain, and later shopped in a gloomy, filthy market for vegetables that were still covered in black dirt. We have dashed from room to room in the guest house collecting a clammy, cold layer of wetness. We face a fun challenge, obscure and just a mite daunting: teach conversational skills in a third language to reluctant students who have mastered neither their first nor second languages.

Now for twenty-five minutes the glorious light of the Sun cut through the gloom and obscurity and gave magnificent hope and warmed the fires of love in a chilled and sodden breast.

Thank You, Lord, for the Sun and your Son that give us grace, love, peace, renewed determination, and hope.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Sojourn to Madagascar--01--Preparation and Travel

Sojourn to Madagascar Part 01

Preparation and Travel

When we mentioned to our friends, relatives, and acquaintances that we were planning to spend three months in Madagascar, their invariable and predictable response was a disbelieving and shocked, “WHY?”

Disney has recently produced some very popular animated movies entitled Madagascar. We knew enough to know that the only fact that Disney used is that Madagascar is a large island. Beyond that they got everything totally wrong. But, after all, Disney is an organization that cares only for making money by entertaining the voluntarily gullible public. So dismiss everything Disney has told you and start over. To help you do this, I’m going to call the island Mada, the popular name for it, at least amongst the expatriates.

Our long time friends Gideon and Pam have been encouraging us to come to Mada on a volunteer basis ever since they moved here from Namibia about 5 years ago. Then earlier this year they requested permanent return to Africa. By the common political maneuvering in Adventist official circles, they were persuaded to remain here and for Gideon to assume the role of rector of the Universite Adventiste Zurcher (UAZ). Rector is the title here for the U.S. title of university president. The request that we come and teach English Communication to the university students was renewed and redoubled.

We tentatively agreed, subject to being able to cut through the red tape that we knew would be wrapped around us. Had we realized how much red tape there would be, we undoubtedly would have turned them down.
They requested that we go through the Adventist Volunteer Services (AVS) of the North American Division of SDAs. So we duly applied. We were immediately shunted to the appropriate obscure and completely confusing website. Since classes at UAZ started in mid to late November, we realized that we might be a week or so late. We spent two days filling out an interminable amount of information (this is just permission for us to spend our own money serving the church).

The AVS then demanded that we study an introduction to Adventist Missions online course. We went through the first two lessons and submitted our responses. In order to proceed to the next lesson, we had to “discuss” the concepts we had studied via their blog with other currently enrolled students (there weren’t any) and submit a carefully reasoned term paper. I think there are 24 lessons total, but I never found out. We realized that this semester length course would take us at least a month to finish under the most concerted effort. That would mean it would be mid-semester at the earliest before we could get to Mada. We sent an impassioned plea to the AVS that because of the urgency of the time constraints and because we had spent the equivalent of 12 years in the service in the countries of Tanzania and South Africa, we be permitted to waive the completion of this course.

In case you are unfamiliar with how decisions are made in the Adventist organization, let me mention that no decisions are made without being acted on by the appropriate committee. In an amazingly quick action, the committee approved this request.

We were then allowed to start the process to get health clearance. This clearance is important in order to get insurance to cover expenses in case of some life threatening event where we had to be evacuated to the nearest hospital with the capabilities of treating us. After we applied, they promptly informed us that since we are both over 70 years of age, they have an age discrimination policy that they will cover a maximum of 50% of what they would normally cover for younger volunteers. That didn’t faze us. But what fazed them is the fact that about 10 years ago I was treated for prostate cancer which is still in remission. This should not have fazed them because they also have a clause that they don’t cover any preexisting condition. After deliberating for two weeks and lots of correspondence later, they finally gave us tentative go ahead on Thursday, December 3, 2015. According the AVS there had not been General Conference or Madagascar Union action granting our request.

We had been strictly instructed not to purchase tickets or obtain visas until their go ahead had been given; however AVS encouraged us to start making arrangements since apparently UAZ had authorized our coming. We immediately requested our travel agent to get us tickets and sent in our application for visas for Madagascar (the visas cost us $523.00 with overnight service). Had we gotten our authorization 24 hours earlier, we would have been able to save $3200 on our airline tickets. Hey, but it’s only money!

In the meantime, God had worked out a plan for someone to stay in our home and look after our dog, Cleo, while we are away. Thank you, God, and thank you, Jan, for keeping our home fires burning! In the meantime we had been able to get a series of vaccinations and inoculations that are recommended for visitors to Mada.

We flew out of LAX on Turkish Air at approximately 7:15 Tuesday evening, December 15. This way we still missed most of the huge rate hikes around the Christmas holidays.

The flights were uneventful except for being very long. We ordered Asian vegetarian meals on the plane. They were excellent, and we recommend the choice. The AVM breakfast on Thursday was a mistake because its major dish was chicken. The attendants apologized and were able to get satisfactory substitutions for us.

We had a seven (7) hour layover in Istanbul (the locals informed us that the name should have the emphasis: i-STAN-bul) from 6 p.m. until after 1:00 a.m. the next morning. We witnessed a number of Muslim pilgrim flights board in Istanbul to Jeddah and on to Mecca. Of course, the women were wearing the usual burkas. The men and boys had similar garments, most of them looking like they had been made-at-home-by-loving-hands out of snow white chenille bedspreads and bath-towels. Most of those on pilgrimages looked like they came from Turkey or other nearby Islamic states. Some, however, were blond, blue-eyed Americans who spoke to us freely about their pilgrimage. We wished them bon voyage and a blessed time in Mecca.

We flew to Mauritius first. Most of the island was shrouded in heavy clouds. I wanted to get off at Mauritius just to say I had been there, but with today’s security problems they wouldn’t let me. An attendant told us that our flight was only the second Turkish Air flight from Turkey to Madagascar. That may be one reason why we arrived at Antananarivo (Tana) a full hour-and-a-half late.

The airport at Tana was a real shock to me. The one in Mauritius looked state of the art with a great glass façade. It was obvious that the Mauritius airport is too small because there were a number of airplanes parked away from the terminal.

The one in Tana looks like it was constructed during WWII and has had nothing done to it since. We waited in a long “line” (great glob of people fenced in by ribbons. We had received no arrival forms in the plane, and I wondered why. The “line” finally dumped us at the head of the immigration. She handed us the forms and told us we should have filled them out. Sylvia and I stood behind her writing on her cubicle wall. She leaned over and whispered to me conspiratorially “You don’t need to fill these out. I will fill them out for you.” She turned and stamped another passport for someone else. Then she leaned back again, “For a little present, of course,” and winked at me.

She was busy when we had finished filling out the form and another clerk beckoned us to come to him. When he saw that were going to UAZ, he looked at me quizzically and asked, “You Adventist?”

I was momentarily puzzled about how he knew; then remembered I had UAZ on the form. “Yes. I am. You concluded that from the Universite Adventiste Zurcher?”

“I am Adventist, too. I don’t work on Sabbath.”

With his help we quickly cleared immigration. After all this time our bags had not yet arrived on the carousel. We could watch progress on the feeder side of the carousel through a strategically placed window. By this time Sylvia was totally exhausted and sat down on the floor near the carousel. I pulled the bags off one by one and took them over to her.

Pam and Gideon were pacing back and forth wondering what had become of us. We piled all of our bags and ourselves into his little SUV. They were also famished and took us to a well secluded little Mediteranean style restaurant called L’Orientale where we ate.

By the time we left there, night had fallen. They had booked us rooms in the ADRA (SDA missionary foundation) compound. The next morning we did a very little bit of shopping (no place to put anything!)

Gideon remarked that the Madagascar method of driving is the merge method. Everyone drives as though they own the whole road—in other words, on both sides of the road. Only at the last minute do you forcibly merge back onto your own side of the road. Thousands of pedestrians, cyclists, and animals move up and down the road as though there were no cars, trucks, busses and motorcycles, and in total fearlessness. Needless to say, we did see several accidents. Driving becomes a death defying experience.

We arrived at UAZ mid afternoon. The country is extensively farmed with rice paddies and field rice. UAZ is situated on a hilltop in an open forest of pine and eucalyptus trees. The university roads double as gullies during the afternoon and evening rains. Compared to much of Africa, security is very light. The people are friendly. They all seem to speak Malagasy, which seems to have no cognates with any western languages I recognize nor with Swahili or Zulu, Arabic or Hebrew, all of which I have had some exposure to.

The physical plant reminds me in many ways of the Solusi we moved to in 1954. It is spread out and rural. Quiet and peaceful. The people are very friendly, laugh easily, and suffer from extreme poverty. Many of them speak some French, a former colonial language. Very few speak English. So our conversations become very minimal.

I stood and surveyed the place. I could not help but ask myself, “WHY?” Why have I come? Can I make any difference for the better to these people’s lives? Have I bitten off way more than I can chew?  We will find out!


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When we lose good things

Job 1:21
Good News Translation (GNT)
21 He said, “I was born with nothing, and I will die with nothing. The Lord gave, and now he has taken away. May his name be praised!”

Cleo, our half Alsatian half black Labrador, and I take a walk out into the desert hills every night before we go to bed. We’ve done this for over fourteen years now. She runs, chases the occasional coyote, and uses the desert as her personal toilet. She looks forward to this with eager anticipation every evening.

Some years ago Karen moved into a house on the corner we go by every evening. She often sat out on her tiny patio in the evening. Every evening that she was out there she had a few treats that she gave to Cleo. She kissed and welcomed her, and Cleo loved it. I told Karen, “It’s all cupboard love,” but she loved it−as did Cleo. On the nights that Karen wasn’t there, Cleo still studied the patio carefully, hoping that Karen would suddenly appear. If I didn’t happen to have her leash on her, Cleo would race over and inspect the patio carefully, undoubtedly hoping that Karen would appear or that she might have abandoned a treat there.

This autumn Karen bought a house in a different part of the city. Her move to this permanent address doesn’t faze Cleo’s eager searching for Karen and the former treats she used to receive. I’ve explained to the new residents of that home the reason for Cleo’s sudden appearance on their patio. So they tolerate her quick inspection very graciously.

Every time I watch Cleo’s vain excitement, I’m reminded that everything that I regard as precious will eventually be taken away, including life itself.

Thank You gracious Lord for all You do for me. When these are taken away, may I respond with the gratitude of Job, “May Your Name be praised!”

Monday, November 23, 2015

Persecute Children?

Psalm 51:15

The Voice (VOICE)

15 O Lord, pry open my lips
    that this mouth will sing joyfully of Your greatness.
Jocelyn (not her real name) was a student in a local public middle school. Their class had been studying Islam in their religion class. The class syllabus had them study all of the major world religions, except Christianity, in reasonable depth. They took at least three weeks for each religion. Students were required to try and think like a Muslim or a person in whatever religion they were studying at the time. They were to find all of the good things about the religion and not allowed to say anything negative about it.

In my schooling, the 8th grade was the time our class went through the doctrines our church taught very, very thoroughly and completely. To this day the concepts I have of our doctrines is what I remember from that course when I was 12 years old. Naturally over the years my mature, analytical mind has reevaluated how I think about them today, but the foundation was laid that year−the year I was baptized. So personally, I regard that time frame in a child’s life as being most formative.

Jocelyn is by nature a very shy and retiring student, not wanting to make waves. She was unable to reconcile what she was learning in school and the fanatical Islamic terror tactics that she saw each night on TV. Finally the Lord opened her mouth, and she told her class that she is a Christian saved by grace and that “there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved.” The teacher was horrified and sent her to the principal. The principal suspended her from school. He later told Jocelyn’s father that it is illegal to mention the name of Christ in a California public school. Jocelyn was not to come back to school until she signed a contract that she would not talk about Christ or Christianity on campus ever again. Of course her parents, who are new Christians attending one of the popular mega-churches, could not tolerate that denial of the American Bill of Rights to their daughter and have moved her to a Christian school.

Martin Luther, who suffered extreme opposition and persecution throughout his life, commented about this verse. “By asking the LORD to open his lips, David showed how difficult it is to offer thanks to God. This is something God demands of us. Talking about the Lord and thanking him publicly require an extreme amount of courage and strength because the devil is constantly trying to stop people from doing this. If we could see all of Satan’s traps, we would know why David prayed for the Spirit’s strength and asked the Lord himself to open David’s lips. He wanted to tell the devil, the world, kings, princes, and everyone about the Lord.”[ii]

Lord, open my lips and then use them to speak Your praises.

[ii][ii] Martin Luther By Faith Alone: 365 Devotional Readings Update in Today’s Language,  ed. James C. Galvin (pub. 1998 by World Bible Pub. Iowa Falls, IA) from the page for November 15. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Elusive One-ness with God

John 15:6
The Voice (VOICE)
If anyone does not abide in Me, he is like a branch that is tossed out and shrivels up and is later gathered to be tossed into the fire to burn.
On Hindu New Year I went to the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir (temple) in Chino Hills. Hundreds of people were out for the festival of the feeding the gods. I was assured by one of the elders that this branch of Hindu is monotheistic. Tucked between patterns of lotus blossoms, peacocks, and intricate lattice work, thousands of exquisitely carved figures in formal poses, each unique, adorned the white marble interior as well as the red sandstone exterior of this beautiful temple. He went on to explain that these represented those who through many reincarnations and endless effort had achieved perfect harmony with the one God. They no longer had to suffer the endless reincarnations but were living with God. Looking through their literature in the adjacent gift shop, I found that these magnificent achievers are (lesser?) gods. Their lives are full of high adventure trying to help those still on earth escape their corporal bondage. Behind golden doors are the extremely beautiful gods and goddesses clothed in gold, scarlet, and bejeweled all over. On this blessed New Year’s Day (Diwali), beautifully arranged as an offering on steps in front of each of these gods lay an almost endless supply of the best Indian foods, all vegetarian, of course. Every inch of the Mandir was permeated with the delicious aroma of curry.
Martin Luther wrote of his experience in trying to achieve this oneness with God, “When I was a monk, I read mass daily. I weakened myself with prayer and fasting so much that I couldn’t have kept it up for much longer. Yet all of my efforts couldn’t help me in the smallest temptation. I could never say to God, ‘I have done all this. Look at it, and be merciful to me.’ What did I achieve with all this striving? Nothing; I merely tormented myself, ruined my health, and wasted my time. Now I’m forced to listen to Christ’s judgment on my works. He says, ‘You did all this without me. That’s why it amounts to nothing. Your works don’t belong in my kingdom. They can’t help you or anyone else obtain eternal life.’

“So in this passage, Christ has passed a terrifying judgment over all works—no matter how great, glorious, and beautiful they might appear. If these works are performed apart from Christ, they amount to nothing. They may appear to be great in the eyes of the world, for the world considers them excellent and precious. But in Christ’s kingdom and before God, they are truly nothing.”[iii]

Thank You Lord for Your infinite sacrifice to make me holy in Your sight, to fit me to be united with You forever in Your home. Thank You for taking my life and having Your Spirit live Your life in me.

[iii] Luther, Martin By Faith Alone 1998 ed. James C. Galvin pub. World Bible Publishers, Iowa Falls, Iowa, on the reading for November 2

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I need your counsel!

1 Corinthians 10:25-29
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
25 Eat anything that is sold in the market without letting your conscience trouble you. 26 Certainly, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything it contains is his.” 27 If an unbeliever invites you to his house for dinner, and you wish to go, eat anything he serves you without letting your conscience trouble you. 28 However, if someone says to you, “This was sacrificed to a god,” don’t eat it because of the one who informed you and because of conscience. 29 I’m not talking about your conscience but the other person’s conscience. 
I took a group from my church on a tour last Thursday. We visited the local Hindu temple on their new year, Diwali. I noticed that some of the people were very, very nervous on the whole tour. In the Indian food market near the visitors’ center I purchased some food. The sellers looked very shocked when some of our group asked if any of their food had meat in it. To my knowledge, any good Hindu is a vegetarian. The food is all marked “Swaminarayan Vegetarian”. Some of my group looked very nervous in the market. I didn’t understand what was making them so nervous. In the car on the way home I opened the Masala Papdi and passed it around. Some took it and enjoyed it. Others wouldn’t touch it. After a while one of the nervous ones said, “Did you read the statement in small print at the bottom of the label?”

It reads “This package contains sanctified, vegetarian cuisine prepared and offered to the divine image of God in accordance with the dietary beliefs of the Bochasanwasi Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan denomination of the Hindu religion.”

I confess I was taken aback, not from the statement on the package, but that there should be a question about food offered to idols in this Christian era. We talked a bit about it, and it was quite clear that these people had definite fear and trepidation about consuming foods that had been offered to “devils”.[ii]

We had guests over for Sabbath lunch, and I tried the masala and the concern on this group. They enjoyed eating it and expressed no feelings of any hesitations about eating it.  

I’ve read chapters 8 and 10 of 1 Corinthians enough times so that I remembered the counsel there without looking it up. However, never in my whole life, especially having lived in a Christian environment most of my life, did I expect that this would ever be an issue! Now I need your counsel! Let me know your thoughts on what my course of action should be!

Dear Lord, what a strange predicament I find myself in. I know that the offering of food to idols makes no difference to my conscience, my health, or my faith. I have found out that it does concern some others, though not many. Please give me wisdom about what is appropriate now in a Christian environment in 2015.

[ii] 1 Corinthians 10:20

Friday, November 6, 2015

Recession & Recovery

Psalm 16: 6-7 
(New International Version, ©2010)
6 …Surely I have a delightful inheritance. 
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; 
   My parents went to Africa in the middle of the great depression. Dad taught at a small Christian college there, and Mom stayed home to look after us. Salaries were never enough, but they were frugal and educated us two boys in Christian schools. This often meant going without a much needed pair of shoes to keep us in school.
   Due to the political issues in Africa, I was shunted off to boarding school at the age of 12. I learned to fend for myself. After I fell in with bad company, only the grace of God kept me sober and out of jail. Because of a pharisaical, legalistic emphasis at the school, I was persuaded that I had out-sinned God’s grace and was destined for eternal punishment. A young soldier took an interest in me and my soul; and refused to give up until I came to know the real grace of a loving God.
   After 12 years as missionaries in Africa, my wife and I returned to the States essentially penniless but happy and content in the Lord. Decades later we own our home and have been living out of debt for many years.
   During the recent recession, my brother and both of my brothers-in-law, along with many others in the family, lost their jobs. I kept mine. Our children are all employed. Friends ask me why I didn’t retire earlier. I reply that as long as I enjoyed my job and I had the health, I’d continue working.
   Am I uncertain about the future? Yes! Indeed. But I am certain of one thing: we serve a marvelous God. He has blest us through 50 years of married life, through poverty but never want, through rough times but with a strong faith that the grace of God is still abundantly more than enough to meet our deepest needs. Retired now, we live comfortably with the assurance that this is but a prelude to the delightful inheritance awaiting us.
   Praise to You, Lord God Almighty, for the sure inheritance you have prepared for us!


Friday, October 30, 2015

Prioritize Your Priorities

2 Peter 1:10
The Voice (VOICE)
10 Therefore, brothers and sisters, work that much harder to confirm that God has called you and claimed you. If you do this, then you will never fall along the way.
Tom came to the university with a number of Advanced Placement courses. These are classes he took while in high school with special examinations that gave him college credit for them. He also attended two math summer camps where he learned how to reason mathematically, how to prove theorems. He expressed tremendous enthusiasm for doing math and becoming a mathematician. He had learned skills that the average math major learns during his sophomore and junior years in college. Tom wanted to graduate in three years, and we worked out a program that would let him do that. In the middle of his second year at university, he took the very prestigious Putnam examination. He scored better than 80% of the best undergraduate math students in the nation.
Tom also wanted to earn a major in music. Both majors demand an unusual amount of work and practice outside of class. By the middle of his second year in college, it was becoming evident to me that he was spending a lot more time on his music than he was with mathematics. Because he had tremendous natural ability in math, he was still passing his math classes, but his mastery was slipping. He neglected his homework, which had the gradual result that his abilities to progress in math were slipping and becoming more and more anemic. In the end he graduated with majors in both fields. In music he excelled and went on to one of the most prestigious schools of music in the nation. Meantime, however, he has lost interest in doing advanced mathematics.

In my own life I have a major career in mathematics; I also have commitment to the cause of Christ. I have faith that by the grace of Christ I am saved and will “graduate” into heaven. Peter’s concern is that I run the danger of not putting enough effort into God’s calling in my own life and thereby losing interest in my eternal destiny, to the point that I turn away from my eternal salvation.
Lord, help me invest sufficient time and effort in following You to confirm that You have “called me and claimed me”.


Monday, September 7, 2015


2 Timothy 3:12

 The Voice (VOICE)

 Anyone wishing to live a godly life in Jesus the Anointed will be hunted down and persecuted.

 Sylvia mentioned that some long time friends had sent us an email about ISIS troops going methodically to Christian homes in Qaragosh, a town they recently entered, and beheading their children. Here is a portion of the email.

 ISIS is systematically going house to house to all the Christians and asking the children to denounce Jesus. He said so far not one child has. And so far all have consequently been killed, but not the parents. The UN has withdrawn, and the missionaries are on their own. They are determined to stick it out for the sake of the families even if it means their own deaths. They are very afraid and have no idea how to even begin ministering to these families who have seen their children martyred. Yet he says he knows God has called them for some reason to be His voice and hands at this place at this time.

Even so, they are begging for prayers for courage to live out their vocation in such dire circumstances. And like the children, accept martyrdom if they are called to do so. These brave parents instilled such a fervent faith in their children that they chose martyrdom. Please surround them in their loss with your prayers for hope and perseverance.

One missionary was able to talk to her brother briefly by phone. She didn't say it, but I believe she believes it will be their last conversation. Pray for her too. She said he just kept asking her to help him know what to do and do it. She told him to tell the families we ARE praying for them and they are not alone or forgotten -- no matter what. Please keep them all in your prayers.

Naturally it shocked and saddened me that people could be so barbaric in this enlightened age. I wondered if possibly this might be an exaggeration of an already terrible condition. I looked up ISIS on Snopes[i] to see if what I was reading was simply a very nasty “urban legend”. They list the truth of the story as “Undetermined” and “Mixture”. The two sites listed below tell more of the story. The original report was apparently sent out in August of 2014 by Sean Malone of Crisis Support International and was intended only for Sean’s immediate correspondents. Snopes does include a heart rending photograph of a child beheaded in Syria in 2013. You may want to look at the article first alone and decide whether or not you want your children to see it.

Needless to say it appears that the twenty-first century may have its own Holocausts, Gulags, and Rwandas.

Heavenly Father, my heart is revolted, angered, and saddened by the news I hear. I can only cry out “Come quickly, Lord Jesus!”

[i], and