Tuesday, March 16, 2021

His Words Like Rain on Parched Earth


Deuteronomy 32:2

Good News Translation

My teaching will fall like drops of rain
    and form on the earth like dew.
My words will fall like showers on young plants,
    like gentle rain on tender grass.


For anywhere from ten to twelve months, the hills surrounding our home are dry and brown. We seldom get a drop of rain, and if by off chance it does rain, it does no visible good. Winter usually brings a rainy season, and we get several rains interspersed with cool weather. The long dormant seeds drink in the water and sprout. Within a few days, the brown is tinged with green. Then the green increases steadily, especially as it gets more showers. After a couple weeks, the hills are a lovely green. Flowers begin to appear. Actually, there are some flowers that seem to thrive, even in the driest of weather, but they are few and far between. On a walk in the hills, I usually spot 8 to 10 different kinds of flowers, tucked away here and there. But in the desert, those flowers actually disappear in the rain, and scores of kinds of flowers blossom in their place. At times the whole desert floor is vibrant with color. The Interstate that runs within a league from our home becomes severely congested by passersby enjoying the beauty.

Even so the words of the Gospel bring joy, gladness, and peace to those who believe when they read or hear them. These words lift the burden and stress formed by the cares and toils we encounter every day. They bring hope and anticipation to the hours that previously were but boredom and even dread.

So, take a few minutes now and refresh yourself with words from God’s Word.


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