Thursday, March 4, 2021

Terrorists In Congress


Joshua 1:9

King James Version

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

 Two months ago, a monstrous, murderous mob stormed the legislative branch of the greatest democracy the world has ever known. Those there were unprepared, and yet no one in the government was harmed. Some of the defenders were harmed: that is why they were hired. Since then, the government has fortified the Capitol Building area so that no one can get in. It is patrolled by beefed up security and surrounded by steel fences and rolls of razor wire.

Not since August 24, 1814, when a British army marched into Washington and burnt the Capitol and the President’s Mansion has the Capitol been so threatened. Those soldiers were part of the most powerful army on earth, the ones who defeated Napoleon, the conqueror of Europe.

Now over two hundred years later, a threat to the safety of the capitol was announced by the FBI and the CIA. A group of disgruntled, yellow-livered malcontents have threatened to destroy congress-men and -women. Sure, they profess patriotism, but these well-armed traitors will end up taking away our freedoms. Their primary goal is to shut down congress and stop the process of government. In the past no one would have taken them seriously.

What have these miscreants achieved? Exactly that! Congressmen, scared and afraid to do the very work they have been elected to do, have opted to cower at home. They have been elected to represent us—and the free world. Their work spaces are barricaded behind all those fortifications, and yet they have allowed treasonous conspirators to shut down congress. How awful! Congress should be covering their faces for shame.

Our congress members need to take the commission that God gave Joshua to be strong and of good courage, to not be afraid nor dismayed. Representatives and Senators, get down on your knees, claim this promise God made to Joshua, and do the right for us, your supporters and electors!

May God give our elected officials courage and determination to represent us boldly and in good faith the way we have elected them for!


Labels: #California, #IR, #InlandEmpire, #Congress, #Representatives, #Senators, #Fear, #Terrorists, #Traitors, #FBI, #CIA, #NationalGuard, #Courage, #Capitol



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