Saturday, March 20, 2021

Though Darkness Hide Me



Psalm 139:11-12

Good News Translation

11 I could ask the darkness to hide me
    or the light around me to turn into night,
12 but even darkness is not dark for you,
    and the night is as bright as the day.
    Darkness and light are the same to you.


My brother, Elwood, was working with a group developing an infra-red camera that worked at ambient temperatures. He brought a prototype of their camera home with him one day and asked me if I would like to accompany him on some test runs. The night was very dark. We drove up Ortega Highway above Lake Elsinore and pulled into the parking lot of Lookout Restaurant. There were a number of cars parked there, undoubtedly belonging to the customers in the restaurant. The parking lot was unlit except for the area near the restaurant front door.

We pointed the camera down the steep slopes of the Santa Ana Mountains towards the town, to see what a city looks like in infra-red light. When another car drove by on the highway, we watched sparks shooting out from under the car. These sparks were totally invisible to the naked eye.

Over in the dark of the far corner of the parking lot, we could barely make out the shape of a car, its windows showing a dim reflection of the restaurant lights. When we turned this camera in that direction, the whole scene changed. A couple had spread a blanket out on the pavement next to their car. They were reclining on it romantically. They trusted the darkness to hide them, probably relishing the possibility of an adrenalin rush if some car were to turn its lights on them and discover their boldness. They never knew that their tryst was being filmed by a camera they didn’t see.

Far more perceptive than Elwood’s camera, God sees all things and knows all things, even the secrets of our hearts. He sees in light or darkness, even through walls and concrete. When we cry for help, He is always ready to rush to our rescue.

Thank You, Lord, that darkness and light are all the same to You. Thank You for being ready to help us in our time of need.




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