Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Women Ordination



Galatians 3:28

King James Version

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.


1 Corinthians 14:34, 35

King James Version

34 Let your women keep silence in the churches. For it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.


Paul is the great doctrine maker of the Christian Church. Christ brought the gospel, the good news, to the world; and Paul told us how to apply it. My mother felt that he must have had a very unhappy marriage at home. This is why he writes such things as we read about women in his epistles. At times, in fact she branded him as a woman hater. 

My church, the Seventh-day Adventist church, is divided in its own interpretation of how to view women. Ellen White was probably the most influential of the founders of our church. She was a welcome speaker at many churches, camp meetings, and conference meetings. The General Conference viewed her as a wise counselor and yet feared her to the point that they banished her to Australia for over a decade to get her out of their hair. They offered to ordain her, and she turned them down flatly; yet today they are literally dividing the church because some women have been ordained by some entities in the church, and yet other entities refuse to even consider doing such.

Paul insisted that deacons and bishops (or elders) be the husband of one wife—clearly defining the leadership role to be male. The church followed Paul’s directions for roughly a century. However, throughout our history, women have been welcome speakers as well as Sabbath School and educational teachers and leaders. My paternal grandmother was a Michigan Conference departmental secretary of the Sabbath School Association[2] in the 1890s. Then they decided that these positions could only be held by ordained pastors. For decades pastors had to be men, so those positions have been strictly restricted to men.

Adventism finds itself in the unfortunate position of professing to be people of the Book, the Bible, but being inconsistent in its application to the extent of splitting the church. The Bible insists that elders and deacons must be men, and the church has officially chosen to ignore this principle and ordains both men and women to these positions. Yet on the other hand, it demands that only men can be ordained as pastors where the Bible says nothing in relation to this.

It appears that the church has only three choices on this issue:

1.   Return to the biblical definition that both elders and deacons must be men. Declare that when Paul wrote Galatians 3:28, he was only speaking about salvation’s being equally available to all people no matter what their earthly state is. This would make 1 Corinthians 14:34,35 consistent with Galatian 3:28.

2.   Apply Galatians 3:28 to all church posts, including pastors.

3.   Drop our profession of being people of the Book.

Whatever the eventual choice of the church on this issue, it is essential that we return to our original mission: to preach that Christ is coming soon and that He will be looking for those who are so anxious for His return that they are keeping His commandments.

Lord, please keep your mission for us ever before our eyes. May we strengthen and support anyone whom You have chosen to deliver that message.


[2] Mary Sally Evans SDA Yearbook 1894, p. 22


  1. Unfortunately it seems that option 3 has been chosen. More and more SDAs theologically are people of the red books. Only interpretations which can be supported somewhere in EGW are allowed, irrespective of biblical evidence. eg Investigative judgement and Complete alcohol abstenance (as being a Biblical imperative rather than having social wisdom). The former is of utmost importance, the latter a trivial but glaring example of many Biblical misinterpretations.

    It's very sad.

  2. I concur wholeheartedly with your last statement. Enforcing specific interpretations of scripture by EGW moves SDAs closer to sectarianism. Preach Christ and him crucified. Live a Christ-centred life and not a sin-centred life. Jesus paid it all.
