Sunday, June 12, 2022

Praying For You Every Day


Colossians 1:9 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

For this reason we have not stopped praying for you since the day we heard about you. We ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through every kind of spiritual wisdom and insight.


Byron[2] grew up in a dysfunctional home. His mother was the breadwinner, working as a social worker in the backwoods of Mississippi. His father sat at home believing that the world owed him a living. He was an alcoholic and couldn’t hold down a job. By both genetics and parental example, Byron became equally addicted to nicotine, drugs, and alcohol. As he grew stronger, he began to physically abuse his mother. Eventually she had to get a court restraining order to keep him out of the house.

Byron went to live with his father who had left his mother and lived in New York. However, the father didn’t want him there. He was having a hard enough time getting sufficient alcohol to support his own habit. Byron had spent some time in several different “homes” for maladjusted boys. None of these homes was able to bring about a radical change in his life.

Somewhere Byron found another “home” on a farm away out in the mountains of eastern Washington. They worked the residents there very hard. They were far enough away from any source of liquor that residents remained dry. Gradually Byron turned his life over to the Lord. God’s spirit transformed him. He told me that he needed to stay on this farm because it kept him away from alcohol, something he was unable to do on his own.

The last time I saw Byron, he had been invited to go to Africa on a mission trip. He was just glowing with enthusiasm.

Lord, I pray for Byron that Your spirit will fill him with the knowledge to help those he works with and the power to resist the evil that has held him so fiercely.


[2] Names and circumstances have been changed in this true account.

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