Monday, May 30, 2022

Tight Fisted Treasurer



Philippians 4:6 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks.

We had worked as missionaries in Africa for 12 years. The Lord had richly blessed us. We had hundreds of friends. Many of our students were already making their mark on the world. Now the Lord had told us that He wanted us to return to the U.S.

Then we got a letter from the mission board. It stated coldly that we had only worked in Africa for three years. They had no responsibility to return us to the U.S. They had decided to fly us to the nearest airport in the U.S. and drop us. It was up to us to make our way from there. The same mission board had consistently garnished our wages upwards of 50% for “the Lord’s work.”

We were stunned. We had spent all our savings just surviving in Africa. This is a part of mission work that the home churches never see. I requested that they do the very minimum and drop us back in Detroit where we had originally left from. We prayed to the Lord fervently. We literally didn’t have enough money left to get from Boston, where they chose to drop us, to Detroit near family. We praised the Lord that He had blessed us in spite of the tightfisted man who controlled our funds.

When we arrived in the States, at my dad’s urging—he had been a missionary to Africa for 42 years—I wrote headquarters and explained our plight. The treasurer there thundered back, “They can’t do that to you!” He went on to say that he was the one who had originally hired us to go to Africa 12 years earlier. Then for the next six months we received check after check of bonuses that we were entitled to but had no knowledge of. This amounted to thousands and thousands of dollars.

Since that time, the Lord has abundantly blessed us, even beyond our dreams or expectations. We had never wanted to be rich, and we still aren’t. But we are comfortable. Indeed, praise the Lord!

We are grateful, Lord, that You look after Your own so well. We rest our future in Your marvelous nail-pierced hands!


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