Wednesday, June 22, 2022

God's Promise to Our Descendants




1 Samuel 20:14-15 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

14But as long as I live, promise me that you will show me kindness because of the Lord. And even when I die, 15never stop being kind to my family.


Jonathan was speaking to David. With prophetic vision, Jonathan looked into the future. He realized that David was in the ascendancy and he was on the decline. At the time he was speaking he was crown prince. His father ruled the country as a tyrant, like the kings of the other nations around him. Through prophets, including Samuel, God had spoken to Saul. The only effect this had was to harden his heart and to further alienate himself from God.

At 70 I, too, feel the weight of time on my shoulders. Who knows when my call will come? My mother died at 66, and her mother at roughly the same age. On the other hand, my dad died at close to 101, and his dad at 69.

My concern is that Sylvia be well looked after when I’m gone. She has only been a wage earner for a few years of her life. So she and I will be living on what social security I have earned and what denominational sustentation the church will decide to grant me after working for them for 45 years.

Am I worried? No, not really. The Lord had seen to it that we have always been fed and clothed and housed. And I know my Lord. He often does things in very strange ways. But he does not forget his own.


I first wrote this in March of 2012, before I had any definite plans for retirement. A little over a year later I did retire. Over the last decade God has richly blessed us in both finances and health. As time has gone by, my faith has only grown stronger in God’s promise to look after us.


Thank you, heavenly Father. You have more children than anyone can count, yet you love us each one individually and do look after us!




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