Friday, October 29, 2021

Persons with Great Influence




John 3:20-21

Holman Christian Standard Bible

20 For everyone who practices wicked things hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. 21 But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God.”


Christ spoke very straight to Nicodemus. He gently cut him down to size. When Nicodemus quibbled over being born again, Christ chided him for not understanding what He was saying. Now He is in effect saying, why did you come to me in the dark of night? Are you afraid that you’re doing evil by coming to me at night? Hey man! If you’re doing right then let everyone see you do it.

When the Jews wished to prosecute Christ without first giving Him a fair trial, Nicodemus brought them up short by reminding them that their own law insisted on their being fair. But Nicodemus didn’t reveal his belief in Christ in front of the critical Jews or show his true colors until Christ was hanging on the cross. When Joseph of Arimathea, another secret follower, took Christ’s body down to bury it, Nicodemus came along with 100 pounds of myrrh and aloes to embalm His body. After that he used his wealth to help the struggling new church survive during those first few years after Christ’s death.[2]

When I was falsely accused of defaming the Tanzanian flag, Thomas Lisso, a member of parliament and my former principal, “just happened to be” at each of at least four councils that considered the accusation and spoke up strongly in my defense. I was very thankful that this man, whom the church condemned for going into politics, was willing to stand up and show his true colors. He became a true force for right on a national level.[3]

Thank you, Lord, for having people of great influence ready to help Your work in times of great need.



[2] E.G. White Acts of the Apostles p105; and Desire of Ages p. 177

[3] See my forth coming Ikizu—A Memoir

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