Friday, October 15, 2021

Starship Captain Goes Into Space



Psalm 73:26
Good News Translation
26 My mind and my body may grow weak,
    but God is my strength;
    he is all I ever need.


The nonagenarian, William Shatner, stepped down out of the space capsule and walked over and threw his arms around Jeff Bezos. With tears in his eyes and a quaver in his voice, Shatner exclaimed, “What you have given me is the most profound experience! He went on, “I hope I never recover from this. I hope that I can maintain what I feel now.” Shatner is worth at least $100,000,000, and Bezos well over $190,000,000,000.  Bezos had just given Shatner a ride some 65 miles high above the earth into space.

When I was a grad student in Iowa City, we didn’t have a TV, so at a local electronics store, Occasionally I used to watch Shatner playing Captain James T. Kirk of the space ship Enterprise as they cruised around through space in the Star Trek series. Since then, he has become famous for his acting roles. Shatner at 90 years old now is still popular. Of course, this actual space flight was a publicity stunt for Bezos, the opulent founder of Amazon. Bezos used this flight to publicize his commercial exploitation of space.  

Read the whole of Psalm 73. The poet, Asaph, compares the affluence and exorbitant lives of the wealthy to his meagre existence. Then his thoughts come back to the life he has as he rests his existence in the hands of God. He recognizes the effect of age on his own mind and body, his flesh and heart in this hymn.

Thank You, Lord, that I, too, find in You my strength and hope.


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