Saturday, October 9, 2021

Beating Cancer



Deuteronomy 10:21
Good News Translation
21 Praise him—he is your God, and you have seen with your own eyes the great and astounding things that he has done for you.


Great and marvelous are Your works, O God.

Sylvia and I drove over 8,700 miles or 14,000 kilometers through nineteen states during the months of June, July and August this year—without mishap. Closer to home, twice Sylvia was driving when each of our vehicles was totaled, yet she walked away from each accident. Last year she fell approximately 30 feet down a nearly vertical rock face and survived well enough so that, although she broke six or seven bones and gashed her head wide open, she is now living principally without pain.

Cancer struck me some 16 years ago. I am still fighting it and keeping it at bay, so far. The major reason for our trip this summer was to gain a new weapon in that battle at Uchee Pines Institute. My latest weapon against cancer is whole body hyperthermia, or a fever bath. Here at home, I have a steam tent to raise my body temperature above 102º F (39º C) for 20 minutes. Since I started the fever bath in July, my cancer indicator PSA has dropped by fully 50%. I appreciate your prayers on my behalf. For more details send me an email, or comment on this blog.

Since the cancer started, I have overcome West Nile Virus only through the intervention of God. I have had COVID-19 and survived it well due to my being vaccinated and God’s protection. For me, taking advantage of the skills and knowledge God has given humans through modern medicine, far from denying our faith, instead acknowledges His ultimate control over all things here on earth. Today, I am seeing because of modern medicine and traditional Adventist hydrotherapy, even though painful blindness struck me a year ago.

Indeed, I praise You, O God, for the great and astounding things You have done for me!


 [1] A picture of me in my steam tent. The steam generator is on the floor to the right of the tent.

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