Monday, December 2, 2019

Be Shrewd as Serpents& Harmless as Doves

Matthew 10:16 

Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

16 “Look, I’m sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves.

In the 1960s I was a missionary in a recently independent country of Africa. I quickly found out that the term missionary was regarded as derogatory. Missionaries were considered to be spies who would report any deviation from colonially established norms to the authorities. This could mean that the offender might be meted out punishment for deviating.

The country was doing its best to establish its own values and divest itself from those imposed on it from abroad. Since most colonial powers regarded themselves as Christian, so-called Christian standards were considered superior to heathen standards. Any practice that appeared in local life that was not western in nature was branded as heathen and hence undesirable in Christian living. Thus Christians were regarded as weak citizens who supported the colonial power.

On the coast of Kenya is a massive fort that was used during the slave trade era. It was built by early Portuguese invaders and was known as Fort Jesus. Many political prisoners during the colonial era were kept in the deep dungeons of this fort. After independence some of these political prisoners became popular leaders. I heard many a political speech that included a statement, “What did Christianity bring Africa? Fort Jesus!”

Instead of calling myself a Christian missionary, I started identifying myself as a Maths Teacher at an Adventist high school. Did it make any difference? Probably not, although when I talked with government officials, they did seem to accept me warmly and immediately. Another reason was that I always tried to speak to them in a local language, no matter how poorly I spoke it. I think it showed that I accepted their values.

Dear Lord, help me to always accept people inYyour  love.

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