Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Luther's 95 Theses

Romans 13:1
King James Version (KJV)
13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Recently we experienced the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses on the church door in Wittenberg. They protested the sale of indulgences that forgave sins for a sum of money. It was money from these indulgences that the most powerful authority on earth at the time used to finish the world renowned St. Peter’s Church in Rome.
Luther, a great scholar of Romans, finally decided that his was the time to react against an abuse of this highest power on earth, not to destroy the power, but rather to bring it to its senses; to get it to seriously consider that its actions were actually taking believers who trusted in it to damnation. His action about tore his own soul from his body. He felt that indeed he was treading very close to violating Paul’s instructions in in Romans 13:1. He obeyed the summons of the church officials to come to Worms, Germany for trial in front of some of  the highest secular and ecclesiastical rulers on earth.
He stood before them after answering their questions trembling because of his resistance to the authorities’ attempt to control his conscience, his being subject to the greatest authority in heaven and earth. Meekly he pled, “Here I stand. I can do no other.” They condemned him and would have burnt him alive except that the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V had given him safe conduct. Luther had already been excommunicated as a heretic. The church demanded that no contract with a heretic was valid therefore he should be burned. But Charles V remarked, “I would not blush as did Sigismund;” the Holy Roman Emperor who had given John Huss a safe conduct and then revoked it.
Instead they issued the Edict of Worms which declared Luther a heretic  and anybody who should meet him could kill him without guilt. But he was granted safe conduct back to Wittenberg.  He was kidnapped on the way home and placed in secret hiding where he finished translating the New Testament into German thus giving the Protestant Reformation a chance to become permanent.
Thank You Lord for taking the future of Your church out of the hands of evil men. Please continue to actively guide Your church!

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