Thursday, February 20, 2014

Zero In -- Zero Out

1 Timothy 6:6-8
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
But godliness with contentment is a great gain.
For we brought nothing into the world,
and it is clear that we can take nothing out.
But if we have food and clothing,[b]
we will be content with these.

We went to Tanzania about a year and a half after we got married. We knew nothing of the country, the people, or their languages. I had been a graduate student during the intervening time, so we owned little more than the clothes on our backs. We put our hearts and lives into the work at hand.

At Ikizu we had electricity only three and a half hours a day, so when the lights went off at 9:30, we typically went to bed. The day started about 5:30 in the morning with breakfast and a seven o’clock class. I taught straight through until about 1:30 then had time for lunch. After lunch I was responsible for the electricity generator, the water pump, a printing press, and fixing anything that had broken down. The school had over 200 boarders, and the kitchen cooked all their food over wood fires. I was responsible for providing the firewood. The school also had several acres of lawn for which I had to keep the lawnmowers running. Oh yes, and I had to grade papers and prepare for the next day’s classes. Nine-thirty would roll around before we knew it, and we’d drop into bed exhausted. If something vital like the power plant or the water pump needed fixing, I might be up much later, if not all night.

We had enough money to buy food at the local market and not much more. But there was no time to shop for clothes even if there had been places to buy them. Sylvia would get into Musoma on a weekly basis thanks to the kindness of friends who had cars. She would stock up on food, mainly garden produce for the coming week. Maybe once or twice a year one of us would get into Nairobi, a day’s drive away, and buy some other supplies.

Looking back I view those days as happy, fulfilling days. Our first daughter was born there. Our spiritual experience deepened there. We learned that we could trust in God for everything.

Lord, please forgive us when we now forget that five year lesson: We can be happy and contented with You under all circumstances. Thank You.


  1. Hi Wil,
    Life is such an adventure. We need reminders daily, and sometimes more often. This was a blessing to read. Thank you!

  2. Too true. I'm beginning to believe that having lots of things can be very demanding of one's time, to the detriment of possibly more important goals.
