Monday, February 10, 2014

Our Magnificent Creator

Psalm 33:6
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
The heavens were made by the word of the Lord,
and all the stars, by the breath of His mouth.

Julia phoned me up on Thursday and invited me to come to Cal Tech on Saturday night. A supernova had suddenly appeared in the Cigar Galaxy. Family and friends of university employees were invited onto campus to see this rare event.

Astronomers tell us that when an average star burns up all of its hydrogen fuel, it slowly shrinks under the force of gravity until it becomes a white dwarf star. At this stage it is about the size of our earth. This shrinking compresses the gases in the star causing it to grow hotter and hotter and thus brighter and whiter. This compression forces the helium atoms together until a nuclear reaction starts that fuses three helium nuclei to form the nucleus of a carbon atom, thus releasing a vast amount of energy extremely suddenly. The white dwarf explodes violently. For two or three weeks this supernova outshines an entire galaxy before the exploding gases cool down and fade into oblivion.

The picture shows this kind of supernova sparkling near one end of the Cigar Galaxy in this Cal Tech photograph.[i] Although it was almost twelve million light-years away, we could see it quite clearly even in an eight-inch telescope on that crispy February evening.

Seeing this unimaginably huge show of force stretches and expands my appreciation of the power of God who spoke this star, now dubbed SN2014J, into existence a long-long-long time ago and far-far-far way. This is the very same God that is personally interested in my and your well being.

Thank You, Almighty God, for deigning to remember, love, and care for each totally insignificant being like me.


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