Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Christ and a Military Base


Romans 8:28 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

  28We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God—those whom he has called according to his plan.


When I was 12 I was sent off to boarding school. Up until that time I had led a very sheltered life. I attended a preparatory school connected with a college where Dad was a much respected teacher. Over the next six years I picked up my “street smarts.” Originally I found it expedient to stand up for the opinions of the authorities. I regarded their rules, their opinions, and their decisions as sacrosanct.

This submersion in boarding school was like taking large helpings of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Being a somewhat normal if nerdy teenager, I tried lots of forbidden things just for the kicks. I tried alcohol and tobacco, shoplifting, and other obvious sins. Worse, I learned subterfuge, deceit, and general distrust of the establishment.

The establishment had taught me the legal aspects of Christianity. They taught me to read inspiration their way. Their way supported church authority at all costs. Therefore I read the Bible with their interpretation. I read the Spirit of Prophecy with their interpretation. Everything I read showed me how evil I had become. Indeed I quickly recognized that I was damned. Furthermore, there was no way I could change that status.  This led me deeper and deeper into a sinful, lawless life. My fellow students were quick to urge me on in my descent towards hell.

But God had decided to defeat the seeming triumph of Satan and evil over my life. He led me to Germany. I went there to learn German−at another boarding school. This time my fellow students were all German. Knowing no German initially, I felt cut off from my fellow humans. Because of this, I attended a Sunday church on the American army base and joined its choir, merely for companionship. They spoke English, so we could understand each other.

These new friends came from all walks of life and all religious persuasions. Some came to church for exactly the same reason as I had, for companionship. They had as much Christianity as I did. Others came because they loved Jesus and wanted fellowship with other Christians. One of these made it his mission to introduce Jesus to me.

Yes, I knew Jesus. He carried around a big black book with all of my misdeeds in it underlined in red. He was seeking to punish me for all of my evil deeds. This new Jesus, according to this young Christian, was a savior. At first I didn’t really know what that word meant. But with long patience this missionary taught me. He had a very simplistic understanding of Jesus, even childlike. But that’s exactly what Jesus had declared as essential to being a Christian. Finally I accepted this new concept of Jesus. I then spent many years unlearning what my early training had so successfully drummed into every facet of my psyche.

Now I was learning from and about a Jesus who loves me unconditionally—all the time!

Thank you, Lord, for working out circumstances for my good. Help me to communicate Your love to those You bring to me.

[1] U.S. Army Military Base at Darmstadt am Main Germany https://www.pinterest.com/pin/565061084476668082/

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