Monday, May 2, 2022

Sufficient unto the Day is the Evil Thereof



Matthew 6:33-34 American Standard Version

33 But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


Ours has often been a life where we had enough of life’s necessities to get through each day but no cushion for emergencies. Of course, emergencies arose—they always do. When my cancer recurred, I went to an oncologist whose office was on the 10th floor of magnificent medical building in Century City on the upscale side of Beverly Hills.

He showed me how he owns his own blood lab equipment and luxury patient treatment facilities. He spent several hours talking to me about my situation. It dawned more and more on me how much all of this must cost.

“I’m really impressed at what you will do for me. How am I going to pay for all this?” I queried.

He said simply, “You have Medicare, don’t you?”

He employs a full-time pharmacist who has gotten me a number of grants to help cover the expenses of outrageously expensive drugs I’ve needed. Some medical places around here have a policy that if you are over 15 minutes late to an appointment, you pay for the appointment, but they won’t see you or do anything to help you. Of course, insurance doesn’t pay if you miss an appointment.

With big city traffic, it’s very easy to be delayed much more than 15 minutes! My oncologist’s office is all the way across Los Angeles. It’s easy to get delayed an hour or more in the traffic. They have the same policy, but they tell me, “Just call us and let us know what’s happening.” They’ve never penalized me for being late.

As a retiree, I sometimes worry that my money will run out before both Sylvia and I have passed on. Then my thoughts return to the last sixty years and the fact that although at times we have been very short of funds, we have never gone hungry, nor have we ever been without a roof over our heads.

God will always take care of us!

Thank You, Lord, for Your constant care over us, in spite of some of the scrapes we get ourselves into!





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