Saturday, January 1, 2022

Mutiny and Peace


Luke 2:9 New English Bible

9 when suddenly there stood before them an angel of the Lord, and the splendour of the Lord shone round them. 10 They were terror-stricken


The great renaissance prophet, Martin Luther[2], commented on this verse. Firstly, Luther noted that this was the greatest news, and God didn’t leave it to a great preacher. He sent, instead, a mighty angel of the Lord.

Secondly, this all happened in the middle of the night when things were the absolute darkest, even as God’s people were shrouded in spiritual darkness.[3] Their high priest was appointed by Rome. Corruption reigned in the priesthood. No matter that the world was at a high point in its civilization.

Thirdly, the light that shone around the shepherds could not be discovered by reason, by physics, by psychology. It was supernatural and could only come from outside the earth, outside the solar system, outside the universe.

There had been an attempted coup d’état in Heaven. Lucifer, the mightiest angel in God’s creation, had revolted. He accused God of being selfish, self-seeking, arbitrary, dictatorial. He spread lies about Him though out the heavenly host. One-third of the angels swallowed his lies. They joined him in the greatest mutiny of the universe. Lucifer became Satan, the very embodiment of evil. Because of his cunning lies, the entire creation wondered whether Satan’s lies had some truth to them. War broke out in earnest, and the almighty God finally banished him from Heaven.

When Christ created this earth and placed humans on it, Satan came on the run. He tricked the humans into joining his rebellion. So, the dregs of the mutiny became life on the earth. Not only were humans fighting against good, but humans started fighting each other. All humans, good and bad, were subject to death—final irrevocable annihilation.

Christ Himself took on human form and demonstrated the real characteristics of God on earth. He demonstrated a God of love, incorruptible, unending, unfathomable love. He was not willing that any should die but that all might be saved. This was the Angel of the Lord’s announcement. He told the only humans ready for this great news—a band of shepherds minding their sheep.

He was joined by a mighty army of God’s angels who sang “Glory to God in highest heaven, and on earth his peace for men on whom his favor rests.” They offered everyone the choice of God’s favor. As we enter 2022, this offer is very real to you and me. All we have to do is accept it.

O Lord, I pray that all who read this blog will accept Your gracious offer!


Labels: #California, #IE, #Inland Empire, #Luther, #MartinLuther, #Angel, #Darkness, #Priest, #Love, #Evil, #Satan, #Lucifer, #Humans, #Rebellion, #Heaven, #Banished, #Christ, #Gracious, #Army, #Annihilation, #Mutiny


[2] Faith Alone, Martin Luther (ed. James C. Galvin, 1998 Word Publisher, Iowa Falls, Iowa, USA) on page Dec 21

[3] Desire of Ages, (Ellen G. White, 1898 Pacific Press Publishing, page 30)

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