Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Communal Living



Acts 2:44-45 Good News Translation

44 All the believers continued together in close fellowship and shared their belongings with one another. 45 They would sell their property and possessions, and distribute the money among all, according to what each one needed.


In the late 1960s, a number of young people revolted against their materialistic, capitalistic, Christian upbringing. A large number of them joined communes across the country. They pooled their resources so that everyone was equal financially—which resulted in no one becoming rich. Many rejected violence in all its forms, so they turned vegetarian rather than slaughtering animals for food. They rejected the concept of individuals owning anything. This often included even the concept of being married to one spouse. They often wore jeans and flannel shirts.

By the early 1970s some of these communes had matured to the point that some members had become professionals in universities. At the university I had a professor of topology who was a member of a nearby commune. He had an unkempt beard, long hair, and always wore a wrinkled flannel shirt and jeans.

I took a class from him in multidimensional geometry and topology. He carried a handful of multicolored chalk to his lectures. Questions came up about how ordinary things we use in our everyday lives, such as knots and clothes, would be in the four-dimensional space. He drew a series of colored pictures that showed in sequence how any knot would become untied in this space. To my very restricted view of the three-dimensional universe that we live in, it came as a shock. But his excellent multicolored pictures made what he taught appear totally obvious. I audited several of his other classes, with his permission, mainly to see his pictures of higher dimensional realities.

The “picture” of a Klein Bottle I have included is a simple object that requires a fourth dimensions to construct. It appears that part of the bottle physically pierces the right side of the figure. However, in a four-dimensional space it doesn’t actually pierce it. I’ll let you puzzle over that concept.

Try thinking of it this way: in our experience we have three dimensions that we move in: 1. Forward and backward; 2. Left and right, 3. Up and down—it helps to own a jet-pack here. If there is a fourth spatial dimension, we have no access to it. But if we could access this elusive dimension, we could construct the Klein Bottle by moving the tube on the right out into that dimension just enough to miss piercing any part of the bottle.

As you begin to grasp something of four dimensions, you realize that a four- or higher- dimensional being can see not only your skin but also all of your insides—not a pretty sight! If, for example, a 4-D being wanted to remove an infected appendix, 4-D could grasp it without cutting open the skin and remove it.

Does what I tried, unsuccessfully I’m sure, to explain to you have anything to do with my—or your salvation? Absolutely not! Well… Just maybe… I plan to explore some of my thoughts on this in future blogs and hope we gain a greater appreciation of the magnificence of our God! But, let me repeat and emphasize, understanding this in no wise changes the fact of our salvation by God’s amazing grace through our faith in Him.

Thank You, Lord, for saving us by the marvelous sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ!



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