Sunday, March 22, 2020

Survive the Pandemic

Psalm 91:1-2 
Good News Translation (GNT)
91 Whoever goes to the Lord for safety,
    whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty,
can say to him,
    “You are my defender and protector.
    You are my God; in you I trust.”

We are confined to our own homes. We are not to visit our friends or our kids. The only reason to leave the safety of our own home is to buy necessary groceries or for medical attention. I have arranged to consult my oncologist by phone.
The number of known cases of COVID-19 in California is over 1,500 as I write this. The number of deaths in California attributed to it is 27, and in Riverside County it is 5. Each number is rising—Exponentially. The uncle of a friend and neighbor has tested positive. We are voluntarily confining ourselves to isolation in the hopes of starving the virus. Will it work?
Are we worried? No, not really. Will we get it? Only the Good Lord knows. He has given us this mighty Psalm 91. I urge you to read it again. I know you have lost count of how many times you have read it. This time read it and put yourself in as the recipient of these great promises.
Verse 3: He will keep you safe from all deadly diseases.
Verses 4&5: You need not fear the plagues that strike in the dark.
Verse 7: 1,000 may fall at your side and 10,000 fall all around you, you will not be harmed.
Verse 10: No disaster will strike you.
Verse 11: God will put His angels in charge of you.
Verse 12: They will hold you up with their hands.
Verse 14: God will save you who love Him.
Verse 15: When you call on Me, I will answer you.
Verse 16: I will reward you with long life.
These promises are written for you. Go to the Lord for safety. Remain under the protection of the Almighty. You may get tired of staying under that protection—stay there anyway. Don’t do anything brash or stupid—just stay there. Have faith that what God has promised, He will do. His promises are trustworthy. Let others do the worrying. Should He decide that now is my time, I still trust His protection.
We spread out this psalm daily to You, Lord. We claim it because we believe that You mean exactly what You say here! 

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