Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Shield Around Us

Psalm 3:3 
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
But You, Lord, are a shield around me,
my glory, and the One who lifts up my head.

It had been a long day in Lusaka, Zambia. I was driving the Ford Taunus south on the Great North Road towards Monze, with my wife and my mom and dad aboard. There was no one else on the road as we started into a long gentle curve. Then coming towards us we saw another car. It was obviously drifting onto our side of the road. I slowed down and moved over onto the dirt shoulder, and still he came over towards us. I yelled at him, “Get over on your own side of the road.” A lot of good that did! He couldn’t hear me.  Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, but there was nothing I could do. He struck the side of the car and pushed us down the embankment and into the ditch on our side of the road. The car rolled over onto it’s top. The sideways push stuffed grass inside the tires.

The four of us got out of the car and stood wondering what to do. The sleepy driver of the other car drove on, or tried to. However, he had damaged his car sufficiently to stall the engine. He got out and shuffled over to us. We were clustered in a bunch staring at the car with its four still-turning wheels pointing skywards. He stood there looking at this wreck and said, “My car won’t run. There’s nothing wrong with yours. Why don’t you drive down and get some help for me?” His breath reeked of alcohol.

We flagged down a car that was going south, and the driver took my mom and my wife with him into the next town. He, too, smelt of alcohol, and Mom rode in semi-terror that he would also have a wreck. They sent a tow truck back to fetch Dad and me. We felt extremely thankful to the Lord that He was truly a shield around us. This was before cars had seatbelts, yet no one complained of injury. My eyes were scratchy, and we wondered if some glass fragments from the smashed windshield had gotten in them. The hospital kept me overnight for observation. Fortunately, my eyes were fine. Although the car was a complete write off, we were all safe.

Thank You Lordthat you indeed build a shield around us, even when we don’t deserve it.

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