Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Reign of Terror

Daniel 12:1 
King James Version (KJV)
There shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time.

We have responded to a disease that is sweeping our country and the world with terrible swiftness. We perceive the number of people contracting this disease is increasing exponentially. It will indeed keep increasing until practically the whole population will have been caught in its deadly grip. In a kneejerk reaction of terror, we are destroying the very fabric of our society. No longer are people able to go to work or school. Rather they are forced to cower, each one in his or her home, until it passes.

We have two choices:

1)  We can continue to hide away in our own homes, cut off from our fellow Americans. As a result, within a very few weeks a majority of people will have no money and no means of earning any. Millions will start to run rampant across the country stealing what they can from anyone who appears to have anything. There will be no such thing as security. We will be plunged into an apocalyptic terror that very few will survive. The cure will indeed be far worse than the disease.

2)  Or we can face this new pandemic head on. We can go back to work, to our churches, to our schools, to our families and friends, to our sources of comfort and security that have stood us in good stead for centuries. Fully 3% of our population will perish. But 97% of us will survive. Most of us will still have our livelihood. We will grieve and mourn for those so cruelly snatched away from us. Yet we shall go on with the spirit that has made America great, and we will be greater because of overcoming this new disease. We overcame in the flu epidemic of 1918-1919 and we certainly can do it now.

Oh Lord, preserve us from political panic!

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