Monday, January 20, 2020

Who Is Christianity Following?

Romans 1:16 
Good News Translation (GNT)
16 I have complete confidence in the gospel; it is God's power to save all who believe, first the Jews and also the Gentiles.

Many have said that the worst thing to ever happen to Christianity was the nominal conversion of Constantine. He said he had a dream that showed him a cross and heard the words in hoc signo vinces “In this sign conquer.” Constantine then became a Christian. It now became fashionable to be a Christian, so the world marched into the church. People became Christians, not because they had faith in and loved Christ, but because it made economic and political sense to do so. Christianity has never recovered.

Are we seeing the same phenomenon in America today? We find fundamental Christianity supporting a president who makes no pretense of being a Christian. But they like that he supports the independence of the country of Israel. Under his leadership the stock market has risen to record levels. Unfortunately, so have medical expenses. He is trying to purge aliens from America, even demanding that duly elected congressmen “go home.” I hear proclaimed by people I have respected for years, “Even if he is proved to be a liar, I will vote for him!”

In the 1930s both the Lutheran (Evangelische Kirche) Church and the Catholic Church in Germany strongly supported Hitler. After all, Hitler was a vegetarian and a teetotaler. He rescued Germany from terrible runaway inflation and brought in a strong economic recovery. But then he killed between 15 and 30 million people, including some 6 million Jews, as he purged Germany from social undesirables and non-Arians.  

Our ancestors fought the tyranny of King George III for freedom to live as our consciences direct. The Anglican Church strongly supported this tyranny. Are we, as Americans, going to accept injustice and erosion of freedom for an apparent economic advantage? Will we allow our own church leaders and political leaders to blindly support a new tyranny?
We pray, Oh Lord, that You will bring Americans to their senses.

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