Thursday, November 21, 2019

Woe to a Spammer

Psalm 19:14 
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
14 Let my words and my thoughts
    be pleasing to you, Lord,
    because you are my mighty rock[

    and my protector.

Several times a day my phone rings. The caller ID gives me a number that is obviously just down the street from me, or a name that sounds vaguely familiar. Who knows it may be a friend or an acquaintance, but not someone who calls me every day. Still a bit skeptical I pick up the phone and say “Hello.” I don’t often give my name anymore. They should know whom they are calling. No answer and then a click. I say “Hello?” I’m much more skeptical now. Then a voice with an accent from half way around the world says, “I’m calling from Microsoft about your computer. We notice that you have a virus…” By this time I would be a total idiot if I didn’t know that this call has only criminal intent. The crook on the other end wants to get on my computer and pull out my social security number, my bank accounts, my credit card numbers, my business contacts, my friends’ and relatives’ details. It has only mayhem for me. The voice has no more connection to Microsoft than I do.

In the past I have responded with venom and hate. I still want to respond with venom and hate. How dare a villain invade my private space so brazenly? I would like to attach the handcuffs right through the phone lines.

What would Jesus do? I know what Jesus did in Matthew 23:13-39: “Woe unto you …” He minced no words. He told it like it was. This was not a sweet; “Blessed are you …” It was not: “unless you are baptized…”  But there was love in His voice. He loved the fraudster; and hated his fraud. He yearned to have the swindler in his kingdom; not of course as a swindler but as His brother or sister. But in the moment it was simply, “Woe unto you…”

I still can’t say “Woe unto you…” with love in my voice and heart, so I simply hang up on them. That’s not being impolite, that’s being kind with regard to the anger in my breast.

What do you do?

Lord I love you, and I try to love the unlovable. Please make me more loving!

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