Sunday, February 21, 2016

FAMA Newsletter February 19, 2016, v10, n1

Volume 10    February 19, 2016   Number 1

A. Fellowship of Adventist Missionaries to Africa Get Together
1.  FAMA Meetings 2016
2.  Things to do now

B. Reports
1.  Madagascar

C. We Remember
1.  Rose Stickle Passed Away

D.   Future Features

E.    FAMA NL e-mail address:
       FAMA NL member’s e-addresses

F.  Registration Form for our Meetings in Fetcher, NC

* * * * *

A.   FAMA Matters.
1.    FAMA meetings, 2016.
      Details about our next FAMA reunion:

What:       Fellowship of Adventist Missionaries to Africa (FAMA) Biannual Reunion
Where:      The fellowship hall of the Fletcher SDA Church in Fletcher, North Carolina.
When:       June 2 – 5, 2016

At Fletcher Academy, next to the church, there will be dorm rooms available in the boys’ dormitory. They have beds and mattresses in them but no towels or bedding. The cost is extremely nominal--and possibly free--for the FAMA event.
There are also many hotels/motels available in the nearby town of Henderson, NC. The manager of Mountain Inn and Suites-Airport gives a discount to people who have something to do with FAMA/Fletcher Academy. The cost will be around $80 to $90 per room with this discount. It includes a continental breakfast with waffles, cereal, boiled egg, yogurt, fruit, etc. We need to let the manager know by April how many rooms will be needed.
You can check at for other places to stay.
If you wish to camp or park an RV see

Food: The cafeteria at Fletcher Academy serves three meals a day at very reasonable rates. We are planning a potluck lunch for Sabbath. Usually there is enough food left over after the potluck for supper, too.

Meetings and registration: Registration will start on Thursday afternoon about 3 o’clock in the church fellowship hall. There will be a welcome meeting on Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. Several meetings are planned for Friday and Saturday yet leaving time to meet and visit with other missionaries. We will choose new FAMA officers at the Saturday evening meeting. Sunday morning there will be a brief worship and farewell meeting.

2.  Things to do now:
a.   Email us an estimate of your plans for being at our Meetings in Fetcher, NC
It is very urgent that we have an estimate of how many are coming in June. Please email Judy Harvey* as soon as possible, before the beginning of April, and inform her of your plans to join us.
b.   Estimate which nights you will need a room in the dorm and how many beds you will need.
c.   Also estimate how many meals you will wish to eat in the academy cafeteria.
We realize that plans do change, but at least we will have ballpark numbers we can share with the academy. We have a registration form on the last page that you can print and mail.

c.   Invite and encourage other missionaries, former missionaries, and interested people to attend.
d.   If you know of a potential speaker, you or someone you’d like to hear, please contact Wil Clarke at or at 951-231-5402 as soon as possible.( I will not have access to my phone until April 1, 2016.)
e.   Fletcher is situated in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains, so you may want to plan on spending an extra few days for a vacation there. For starters see the Hendersonville webpage ( for suggestions of attractions and activities in the area.

B.  Reports
Please send any news or reports to
We rely on your input for the FAMA Newsletter.

It seemed like de ja vue as we stepped out of the president’s vehicle onto the campus of UAZ on December 17, 2015.  In many ways it reminded us of stepping out onto the campus of Ikizu Seminary and Secondary School in Tanzania in March of 1967.  School was already in progress. We had no vehicle to call our own. We had plenty of work already laid out for us.  There were, however, also marked improvements.  Instead of waiting six weeks for a letter from home and having no phone of our own, we carried a local cell phone, and we could use Wi-Fi internet for international communication.  We settled in a comfortable, adequately equipped home within walking distance of our classrooms. We are here as volunteers and plan to leave when our 90 day visa runs out.
We are teaching English as a third but required language for all university students. Most of our students are first year students.  Many of them are very anxious to learn to speak English since they perceive it to be a step toward greater opportunity in an English dominated world economy.  All of the people are very friendly and helpful.
This year is the 20th anniversary of the founding of Université Adventiste Zurcher in the central highlands of Madagascar. They are celebrating by erecting a Student Center for the convenience of the several hundred day students as well as several hundred boarding students.  The university boasts a capable well-qualified Malagasy faculty.  There are expatriate faculty from South Africa, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Reunion.  They need native English speakers to help the students learn to understand and speak Standard English.
We leave Madagascar in the middle of March at the end of the first semester.  The university desperately needs a volunteer teacher or teachers for second semester (April to August) as well as for future years.  If you would enjoy a challenging and fulfilling experience, contact UAZ via Pam Petersen at today.
The university is situated at about 5,500 ft elevation, so there is no malaria on campus. We have been taking prophylactics anyway.  The most challenging and frustrating part of volunteering is to pass the requirements of Adventist Volunteer Services in Washington D.C.  So start early and swallow your boredom.
- Wil & Sylvia Clarke    []
* * * * *
C.  We Remember

1. Rose Stickle Passed Away
Rose Stickle has been our very faithful and capable FAMA Newsletter editor for a long-long time. I’ve heard that she has been doing this since the beginning of FAMA . We mourn her passing, but, with her, look for a grand reunion in the arms of Jesus.
Here is the announcement we received in November 2015.

To all those who knew and loved Rose Stickle, our precious wife & mother:  Rose passed away late in the evening on November 23 surrounded by ten members of her family who had gathered for family worship at her bedside, singing and praying together, surrounding Rose with love and music. You are invited to join Rose’s family and friends at a memorial service this coming Sabbath, November 28 at 3 pm. The Parksville Seventh-day Adventist Church meets in Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 795 Island Hwy W, Parksville, B.C. Canada (on Vancouver Island) where the service will be held.
One of Rose’s fondest dreams was for her church family to have their own facility. The family asks that in lieu of flowers, you consider helping her dream come true by sending any gifts to - Parksville SDA Church Building Fund, P. O. Box 1792, Parksville, BC  V9P 1B9 Canada  
Rose’s greatest expressed desire has been to meet all those she knew and loved when Jesus returns. What a joyful reunion that will be!  Herb can be reached at 250-248-5852, 1775 Errington Road, Errington, B.C. V0R 1V0, Canada. Please let us know if you have any questions about travel arrangements.
Family and friends in the area on Friday, November 27, are invited to join us for a short graveside service at 1:30 pm at Qualicum Beach Cemetery, 687 Jones St, Qualicum Beach, B.C.
In His Love,
-- Herb Stickle, Susan Stickle Woods, Edwin Stickle, Barbara Stickle Hall, Ann Marie Stickle, JaneStickle Maritz and their families.

D.   Future Features
1.   We plan to attempt to continue Rose’s excellent work until we can get a new editor/compiler/secretary. We welcome any suggestions or volunteers. Any News Features, Stories, Experiences, etc., please send them to

E.   FAMA News Letter e-mail address:   Wil Clarke
      FAMA News Letter e-mail Search:

      Thank you for sending to FAMA News Letter any email addresses for current or former missionaries to AFRICA (and their children) who might be interested in receiving this newsletter.  Any news on your present or past activities will help to make this newsletter interesting to others in the FAMA family.  It would be helpful if you include information on where and when you served in Africa. African mission stories would also be appreciated.    If you do not wish to receive the FAMA Newsletter, please let us know.                                    -   Wil Clarke

F.  Registration Form for our Meetings in Fetcher, NC

Fellowship of Adventist Missionaries to Africa Retreat, June 2 to 5, 2016
Fletcher SDA Church in Fletcher, North Carolina

In July 2014, we had a wonderful time in our get together in Riverside, California. We enjoyed sharing experiences and fellowshipping together. We are looking forward to having a profitable time together in June 2016 and hope that you will be able to come and join us. We are all ambassadors for Christ and His missions, and there are still great needs in the mission field. Africa is dear to our hearts, and we must continue to keep the needs and victories of Africa before our friends. Let us pray earnestly and work diligently so that the missionary spirit never dies in our churches. Please plan to come and join us at this retreat in June 2016.

 Name_______________________________________________ Number in your party_______
Home and Cell Phone Number(s)___________________________________________________

Registration Fee- $10 single, or $15 per family. Registration starts at 3:00 p.m. Thursday, June 2, 2016. The first meeting is at 7:00 p.m. These will be in the fellowship hall of the Fletcher SDA Church in Fletcher, North Carolina.

Housing: At Fletcher Academy, next to the church, there will be dorm rooms available in the boys’ dormitory. They have beds and mattresses in them but no towels, pillows, or bedding. Fletcher Academy will let us use the dorm rooms without charge for the FAMA event. But they need to know early how many to plan for. Please plan to make a donation for the rooms. You may contact Marcella for reservations.

Meals: The cafeteria at Fletcher Academy serves three meals a day at very reasonable rates. We are planning a potluck lunch for Sabbath. Usually there is enough food left over after the potluck for supper, too. Each meal costs about $5 per person. They do not serve Sabbath breakfast.

Please register as early as possible (by April 15) so we can give the academy a reasonable estimate of the number of meals and number of rooms needed for their planning. This is important. 

Checks should be made payable to “Judy Harvey”. Please send your information and check to the FAMA Treasurer:
*Judy Harvey
1242 Ruskin Drive
Medford, OR 97504-5213

If you have further questions, contact Judy at 541-772-0773.   You can leave your number for a call back. Email her at []

Registration Fee
$10 or $15

Room Donation*

Meal Costs

Total Cost Estimate

*There are several hotels in nearby Henderson, NC.

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