Friday, November 8, 2013

God's Urges

Psalm 32:8
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
The Lord says,
    “I will instruct you.
    I will teach you the way that you should go.
    I will advise you as my eyes watch over you.”

I woke up on a Tuesday morning recently feeling I should go and see Delores. Her husband, Jewell, was a long time friend of mine. He was the treasurer of the Riverside Stamp Club for at least 20 years. When I joined the club he was very friendly and helpful. He got me interested in PNC’s (plate number coils) and helped me get many of them. He was wise in the ways of stamp dealers and how they take advantage of collectors.
I remember how angry he became when a very prominent dealer in southern California sold the club a Graf Zeppelin stamp that had been mended. These stamps are worth hundreds of dollars each. The one they sold us had been torn and someone had very carefully put a patch on it. The patch was well done and almost impossible to detect. Greg, one of our members, examined it carefully with a powerful lens and discovered the fraud. Jewell was always honest and insisted others be the same.
Jewell had gone into the hospital two weeks previously to have a routine knee surgery. He seemed to be recovering very well. His wife was in the hospital with him when he suddenly quit breathing. The hospital suddenly converged on his bed. They revived him and moved him into the ICU. He spent several hours talking rapidly to Delores. He seemed to sense that his time was short.
A day or so later it happened again. This time they revived him again, although it took more work to do so. He was noticeably weaker when they got him breathing again. Some time later he again quit breathing for the third time. The doctor had told Delores that if it happened a third time they would probably be able to revive him, but that he would be a vegetable afterwards. She said that asking them not to revive him the third time was the hardest decision she ever made.
Sylvia and I spoke with her for about an hour. I remember that Jewell had not seemed to be religiously inclined. I cautiously asked her if I could pray for her. “Please do!” she responded earnestly, “I need all the prayer I can get.” When I had finished praying she said, “Thank you very much. That was a beautiful prayer.”

Thank You Lord for teaching me they way I should go this time. Now help me to continue to recognize your urgings and follow your instructions.