Saturday, November 16, 2013

No Other Foundation

November 15, 2013

1 Corinthians 3:11
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
11 For no one can lay any other foundation than what has been laid down. That foundation is Jesus Christ.

On November 24, 1859, Charles Darwin published the first edition of 1250 copies of On the Origin of Species. The entire printing sold out on the first day. Since that time millions more copies of Origin have sold. In this book, Darwin presents a persuasive argument that life evolved from simpler to more complex forms eventually culminating in humans.
It is natural to conclude that human life and civilization are the crowning result of a long line of simpler forms of life. The National Socialist Party (or Nazi party) in Germany reasoned that it could help further the evolution of a more advanced being by carefully selecting the best human subjects and have them continue breeding. They also reasoned that by prohibiting breeding by defective persons would also further the evolution of more advanced beings.
They identified what they called the “Aryan race” as the epitome of human evolution. Germans composed this master race. To speed the growth of the master race, the Germans founded baby factories using “perfect” young people to generate many blond-haired, blue-eyed babies. When I spent a semester studying in Germany, my German roommates would clandestinely point out fellow students who, they claimed, were born in these factories.
Hitler and the Nazi party not only did their best to increase this master race, they also did their best to utterly annihilate those they considered to be inferior people. The resulting holocaust destroyed an estimated 11 million people. Roughly 6 million of these were Jews, 3 million were Polish Christians. It also killed Christian priests and pastors, Gypsies or Roma people, homosexuals, and people with African heritage.
Hitler designed that worship of the Nazi state would replace Christianity. He founded the Gestapo, a secret police force, to ensure compliance with the new order. People lived in fear of the Gestapo.
The biblical record presents an original pristine world with no crime, violence, oppression, or death. Then sin entered and humanity degenerated until the only thoughts of their minds were evil continually. God, in the form of Jesus, came down to this earth to bear our guilt and punishment for sin and restore us to His original ideal.
Thank You, Lord, that instead of destroying us for our rebellion, You guaranteed our restoration to a New Heaven and a New Earth.

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