Sunday, February 23, 2025

Massive Disasters


Romans 8:38-39  Good News Translation

38 For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, 39 neither the world above nor the world below—there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.


When I booted my computer this morning, there was a horrific picture of the fuselage of a passenger jet lying upside down with smoke billowing from one end. The wings had been ripped off the plane, and the whole airfield was covered with snow.

This year has already had more than its shares of disasters. Sylvia and I have both contracted Covid and recovered—again. We have visited loved ones some of whom have suffered much worse, including heart attacks, mental breakdowns, and other major health problems—hey! We are in our ninth decade, and many of our loved ones are there, too. Many Americans succumb to death in this decade.

Unquenchable fires have ravaged great parts of Los Angeles. Fierce winter storms have flooded and frozen much of this nation. It seems like there have been more catastrophic plane crashes than usual. Thousands of people have been snatched off our streets or from their jobs by a vengeful and unsympathetic government and flown to some destination across the globe without any due course to law—and that’s America. Hundreds of government workers have been fired with no warning and left to flounder on their own. Internationally whole cities have been bombed out of existence. Those who have fled have nothing to return to.  

Are we headed into the prophet[2] Daniel’s “time of trouble such has never was since there was a nation”? I rejoice with St. Paul that no amount of disaster and trouble can separate us from the love of God, not even the devil himself!

Lord, thank You that nothing can separate us from You. All we have to do is to daily remind You, by reminding ourselves, of Your promise to keep us from being separated from You.




[2] Daniel 12: 1 (KJV)

Thursday, February 6, 2025

What You Think Will Change Your Life



Proverbs 4:23 Good News Translation

23 Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.


Solusi, the first Adventist mission station amongst non-Christian peoples, was founded in 1894 about 30 miles west of Bulawayo, the second largest city in Zimbabwe, Africa. Elder William Harrison Anderson moved to Solusi about a year later to replace several of the first missionaries, many of whom had died of malaria and are buried on the campus of what is now Solusi University. He was about 25 years old and stated he would take quinine to battle the malaria, in spite of council against using it as a drug for humans. By 1901 he and his wife Nora Haysmer were the only missionaries left at Solusi. The other missionaries were either dead or had moved on.

He spent 50 years as a missionary in Africa. About the malaria, he is quoted as saying, “Ellen White or no Ellen White, I’m going to take quinine.” She later supported his choice and remarked that she had not been talking about the use of quinine for curing malaria. While teaching at Solusi and Rusangu that he later founded in Zambia, he found that students would start attending classes but would give up after the novelty wore off. He is credited with taking a sjambok, or hippo-hide whip, to drive the students into class. In support of this he quoted Christ’s parable of the feast where he sent his servant to “go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”

To eliminate lice, he shaved all of the students’ heads, which became the common practice in almost all of the missionary and government schools in Africa. One young fellow had a lock of hair that was over a foot long. When Anderson went to shave his head, he protested that the witch doctor had told him not to cut that lock—if he did, he would surely die. Anderson told him that the Lord was stronger than any witch doctor’s curse and shaved the lock off. Within a few days the fellow was dead! It was determined that he died of malaria—but he was dead. As our verse teaches us, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” Of course, all of the animists in the area were sure that his death was on account of the curse. Animism is the major religion of Africa. Even Christians and Muslims often follow what they believe their ancestors tell them today.

Satan’s first lie to the human race was when he told Eve “That's not true; you will not die. God said that because he knows that when you eat it, you will be like God and know what is good and what is bad.” [2] This doctrine of Satan is the foundation of animism. Anyone who subscribes to this doctrine can be deceived easily by having evil spirits impersonate the departed soul and continue Satan’s deception on the unsuspecting victim. This lie of Satan is perpetuated in many Christian churches that teach that when people die, their spirit goes to heaven, and they spend their time looking back to earth to see what foolish things their former loved ones are doing with their earthly lives. It is then but a small intellectual leap to consider that the departed can communicate with the living—and, voila, Christians are sucked down into animism: direct manipulation by the evil one.

Lord! Preserve us from Satan’s trap of believing that at least part of us continues to live after we die.




[2] Genesis 3:5 GNT

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Gird Up the Loins of Your Mind


1 Peter 1:13 (Margin) Holman Christian Standard Bible

13  Therefore, when you have the loins of your mind girded ready for action, be serious and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.


Our church has started a plan this year of reading the whole Old Testament in one year. I encourage you to adopt it. I encourage you to discover for yourself. I first tried it several years ago, and it had so many features that I finally gave up in disgust. Judson Nelson, my brother-in-law, helped get back on it in a meaningful way a year ago. Thanks. Jud!

However, install it on your phone and sign into it. It has well over a hundred different versions of the Bible The second language I learned as a kid (English was my mother-tongue) was Afrikaans. At one point in my life, I learned the Lord’s prayer in Afrikaans. At the end of its Sabbath worship service, the church urges all its members to pray the prayer out loud together, “In any language that you wish.” So, I started praying it in Afrikaans. Well, after 60 plus years, I didn’t trust my memory. I checked out, and after some experimentation, I found at least five different translation versions of the Afrikaans Bible! I have no clue how many English versions it has, but there are many.

As you open YouVersion, it gives you the verse of the day. At the bottom are several icons representing various popular features, one of which is “plans.” Click on that one. Click on the button “Find Plans”. One of the plans is “Bible Projects | Old Testament in a Year.” If you start today, you have only thirty-six sessions to catch up.

This morning, we read Genesis 12-14. It starts the story of Abraham. In chapter 14 Lot is captured by a Persian invading army and carted off with his wife and children towards Persia. In Abram’s entourage, he has 318 trained soldiers. Together with his allies they spring a night surprise attack, and he defeats the reveling invaders and recaptures all of their loot including the people they were taking back to sell as slaves in Persia.

What never ceases to amaze me is the size of Abram’s household. If he has 318 troops, he must have had well over a thousand people, including wives and children, etc. In other words, this was no lonely Bedouin camp with a dozen or so people camping out in the desert. He also had his troops ready for action so they could set out at a moment’s notice.

Our verse encourages us to have girded up the loins of our minds, ready for immediate action—in other words, be ready to fight to retain the grace we have been so graciously given. God has freely given us a vast store of His grace. Let us be ready to defend it at all costs until He comes.
