8:38-39 Good News Translation
38 For I am certain that nothing can
separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other
heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, 39 neither
the world above nor the world below—there is nothing in all creation that will
ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ
Jesus our Lord.
When I booted my computer this morning, there was a horrific
picture of the fuselage of a passenger jet lying upside down with smoke
billowing from one end. The wings had been ripped off the plane, and the whole airfield
was covered with snow.
This year has already had more than its shares of disasters.
Sylvia and I have both contracted Covid and recovered—again. We have visited
loved ones some of whom have suffered much worse, including heart attacks,
mental breakdowns, and other major health problems—hey! We are in our ninth
decade, and many of our loved ones are there, too. Many Americans succumb to
death in this decade.
Unquenchable fires have ravaged great parts of Los Angeles.
Fierce winter storms have flooded and frozen much of this nation. It seems like
there have been more catastrophic plane crashes than usual. Thousands of people
have been snatched off our streets or from their jobs by a vengeful and
unsympathetic government and flown to some destination across the globe without
any due course to law—and that’s America. Hundreds of government workers have
been fired with no warning and left to flounder on their own. Internationally
whole cities have been bombed out of existence. Those who have fled have
nothing to return to.
Are we headed into the prophet[2] Daniel’s “time of trouble such
has never was since there was a nation”? I rejoice with St. Paul that no amount
of disaster and trouble can separate us from the love of God, not even the
devil himself!
Lord, thank You that nothing can separate us from You.
All we have to do is to daily remind You, by reminding ourselves, of Your
promise to keep us from being separated from You.
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