Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Sleepless in Montana



Luke 5:5 Holman Christian Standard Bible

“Master,” Simon replied, “we’ve worked hard all night long and caught nothing! But at Your word, I’ll let down the nets.”


That morning we left my cousin’s home in Larimore, North Dakota, and drove west on US-2. Spending a little time in the northern part of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, we especially enjoyed the buffalo we encountered (pedants call them bison). Then we headed south towards I-94. This was the period when frantic drilling for oil was in full swing with the new technology of fracking. Thousands of laborers had flooded the area looking for jobs.

Night was coming on as we headed south on US highway 85, looking for a motel. We tried Belfield and then Medora. Both were full. We began to read the message loud and clear: everyone looking for a job in oil fracking was camping out in the hotels.

We prayed the Lord to lead us to a motel or hotel that had a vacancy.

So, we drove on west into Montana. We stopped at every exit that had a motel or hotel; they were all full. At Miles City, 155 miles (250 km) west of Medora, I asked at a Super 8 Motel, and they were full. I then asked the night clerk if he knew where we might find a room. We were beginning to get desperate; we had driven over 500 miles (800 km) so far that day. At my age I try to not drive more than 300 miles (500 km) a day.

“You know all the hotels are full with job seekers. You’re not going to find any around here!” He lapsed into thought for a minute or two, then brightened. “There is the Historic Olive Hotel in town. It’s an old classic hotel, but the rooms are clean.  I think they might have a room or two.” He explained how to find it, and we drove into the town. The entrance to the hotel was down a dark side street off Main Street. We parked nearby, and Sylvia came in with me. She normally waits in the car. She, too, was feeling distressed.

A grey-haired couple stood in front of us at the desk, and they got a room. My heart beat harder: what if they got the last room? The clerk took his time filling out the paper work for them and gave them the key.

Then we stepped up to the desk. “Do you have a room for my wife and me?” I asked.

“Yes, we have one on the second floor with a double bed.” He was tired but wishing to help.

“Good! I’ll take it!” I responded instantly. There was someone standing behind us also hoping for a room. Sylvia looked at me, astonished. She was thinking You didn’t ask if it was non-smoking. You didn’t ask for the price. What if we can’t afford it!

“What do I owe you?” I inquired.

He quoted a very reasonable price, filled out the paper work, and handed us the key.

“Do you serve breakfast?” I asked.

“No. But there is a nice café that opens at 6:00 across the street. The locals all like it.”

We carried our bags upstairs and entered the room, curiously. The room was clean and non-smoking. I looked at Sylvia. “You were surprised that I took the room without even asking the price?” I asked her.

“Yes… I was.” She said guardedly.

“Well, we prayed about it over four hours ago.”

 It was after midnight when we tumbled into bed. The next morning the food at the café was reasonable and delicious, too.

You have told us to ask, Lord, and promised we will receive. Help us remember that You stand back of every command You give and promise You make!



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