Friday, February 10, 2023

Beyond Your Wildest Imaginings


1 Corinthians 2:9 King James Version

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.


Jessie came to live with us from rural Kenya where she was born and grew up. She had come to study in the U. S. She’s my daughter by an interesting custom amongst her people. When a brother in the family becomes wealthier than the rest of the family, a man can send a child to the wealthier brother and proclaim the child to be his. The new father can do anything he wishes with this child. Often the child becomes a servant in the new family, However, sometimes the new father will educate the child and send him/her off on a lucrative career.

I was best man in her father’s wedding and, as such, became his “brother”. Since I lived in the States, I must indeed be wealthy. So, she showed up unannounced on my doorstep with a letter from her father stating that she is now my daughter and I can do with her as I wish. I was unaware of my position as her “father” until she handed me the letter.

Jessie’s father and mother were high school teachers in Kenya, so she came from an educated family. They owned a car and lived in a home much like ours here in this country. Since she aspired to be a medical doctor and was a high school graduate, I took her down and introduced her to the student finance person at our local college, who got her set on a firm financial footing so that she could attend the local college.

Most of the things she encountered in her new home were no surprise to her. However, there were a few things that she hadn’t experienced in rural Kenya. One thing caught her attention immediately: a garage door that opened and closed by the push of a button. Every time we went anywhere in the car, she insisted on pushing the button. It became an absolute delight to her to feel the power she wielded to make the door open and close, merely by the push of a button.

We have lived during an unprecedented age. Many things have changed since I was a kid. Where I once used a typewriter, I now have the computer I’m typing this blog on. As another example, we have a “new” car, and yesterday I felt it nudge me when I got too close to the edge of my lane on the freeway. That is totally new to me: even five years ago I wouldn’t have thought this possible. Therefore, I can’t even imagine the marvelous things God has prepared for us in the Earth Made New.

Wow! Lord! What a wonderful life You have in store for us! I can hardly wait! Thank You!




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