Tuesday, March 22, 2022

A Jealous God



Exodus 20:5 New International Version

For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God


Oso, our son’s dog is staying with us this weekend. He’s a great big dog, probably weighing 80 lbs (35 kg). He’s scared of everything, and very loving. Katie, our own dog, is considerably smaller, closer to 50 lbs (25 kg). She loves us supremely and shows it every time we come back after being away from home. She, too, tends to be scared of all kinds of things, but not as scared as Oso. We have spoiled her rotten. She is the first dog in a long series of dogs, whom Sylvia has allowed to get on any item of furniture. She is only allowed on the couch in the front room. She is delighted when Sylvia or I come and sit with her on “her couch”.

Once a day, we feed Katie a cereal and chicken mix that Sylvia fixes for her. It is a recipe she developed years ago when we were missionaries in Tanzania. Our previous dog, Cleo, lived for 17 years on it and she was a big dog. We keep dry dog food available for our dogs 24/7. They tend to self-regulate how much they eat, so they don’t get too fat.

With a second dog in the house, Katie shows a new side of her character. She is fiercely jealous. When we feed the do dogs the cereal/chicken mix we put it in separate bowls and they each eat their bowl and then dash over to see if the other dog’s bowl is empty—we expected that. But Katie doesn’t want Oso to have any of her dry dog food, so she quickly gobbles it up, too. She eats so much she can hardly walk, let alone run! So we are rationing the dry dog food now.

If Oso comes anywhere near “her couch” she bares her teeth, growls and if he comes closer, she attacks viciously. Anytime they are in the house, Katie is up guarding “her couch”. If we pet Oso, then Katie dashes over and wedges herself between us and the big dog. She wants all the attention. We laugh at her jealous, protective nature.

Every time I see Katie’s jealous side, I am reminded of the second commandment of the Decalogue. God describes Himself: “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.” This is after two commandments that tell us to have no other gods before Him, and not to make any images, and not to worship any other gods or images. He says he will not only punish us if we do, but will also punish our children to the third and fourth generation.

Thank you, Katie, for showing me the possessive side of our loving God.



[1] https://decodingtheword.com/a-jealous-god-el-qana/

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