Tuesday, December 14, 2021

GPS and theWisemen



Matthew 2:9 Holman Christian Standard Bible

After hearing the king, they went on their way. And there it was—the star they had seen in the east. It led them until it came and stopped above the place where the child was.


In the year 04 BC, electronic GPS was non-existent. It appears that many of the people never gave any thought to the shape of the earth they walked upon. Approximately 240 years previously, an African-Greek by the name of Eratosthenes, believing the earth to be round, set out to find its circumference. He knew that on summer solstice the sun was directly overhead in a deep well in what is now Aswan, Egypt. In other words, it cast no shadow there. By measuring the length of the shadow of a vertical pole in Alexandria and hiring some skilled surveyors to accurately measure the distance between Aswan and Alexandria, some simple mathematical proportions enabled him to calculate the circumference of the earth.

The U.S. has placed 31 Global Positioning Satellites in exact orbits around the earth so that each remains above a fixed spot on the equator of the earth. This way there are always at least 5 satellites within view of any point on earth—except the poles. Each satellite emits a distinct radio signal. Then a GPS device calculates the exact angle of four or five of these satellites. It then performs a series of very exact calculations and can tell the exact altitude, latitude, and longitude of the device. By pinpointing these “’tudes” on a map data base, we can see exactly where we are.

Think about the amount of knowledge and technology that is needed to perform this feat. Now imagine going back in time and trying to explain all of this to Eratosthenes! Undoubtedly, he would think that either you knew a bunch of magic, or you were stark raving insane.

If you have used a GPS to guide you to a place you were going, you know how it can occasionally actually mislead. One time, in the arid country northeast of Denver, Colorado, I asked the GPS to take me to the nearest Walmart. It got me off the freeway and led me along a dirt trail to a spot with no buildings in sight—just extremely dry grass and a few cottonwood trees. Another time, I was driving across a miles-long bridge in Louisiana when it demanded that I make a right turn off the bridge and into the bayou. A third time, while I was driving east across the Yukon in Canada, the GPS positioned me 50 miles north of the highway I was driving on. And I could go on and on.

The wisemen, or magi, were following a star—precursor to the GPS—to find the infant Christ. It led them directly to Herod’s office. They must have felt like I did on the occasions mentioned in the previous paragraph. It probably took them several days before the word came from King Herod that he blessed them on their way to Bethlehem and asked to be informed so he could come and worship the Christ, too. This showed God’s divine purpose to alert the Jewish equivalent of Washington DC to the birth of the Messiah. That evening, when they left the city, they rejoiced to see the star back in its place. Again, they followed it until it actually led them to the exact place where the Joseph of Nazareth family was living.

Father in Heaven, we are relying on you to lead us accurately into your kingdom.


[1] https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/eco-catholic/seeking-synchronicity-star-bethlehem-story

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