Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Golden Rule and the Law


Matthew 7:12 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

12 Therefore, whatever you want others to do for you, do also the same for them—this is the Law and the Prophets.

Marvin (name changed) attended a picnic hosted by a military base for its troops and workers. Along with a lot of good food there was also plenty of liquor. Marvin enjoyed the camaraderie, the games, and the food. He went very light on the booze because he knew he had to drive home. As darkness came on, the celebration became less family oriented, and Marvin decided now was a good time to leave.

As he drove towards the gate, he noticed a pickup truck ahead of him. It was already dark, and the pickup seemed to swerve this way and that. At one point it reared up onto the side walk and nearly took out an ATM. Marvin became increasingly concerned about the pickup’s driver.

Exiting the base, the pickup stopped at a red light and then actually went part way out onto a vacant lot before running back onto the road. Finally Marvin’s concern propelled him into action. He called 911 and described what was happening.

At that point the truck pulled into a parking lot behind a fast food place. Marvin had stopped to see what would happen. A motor-cycle cop pulled up behind the pickup and parked. He went up to the driver and had her get out of the truck. Joanne indeed had had a lot to drink. She was naturally distraught, and the incident actually took her driving privileges away and cost her a considerable sum of money. But it may well have saved her life.

Marvin actually felt bad about his actions but felt that what he did for Joanne was probably for her best. I was on the jury that tried Joanne.

Lord, help us to indeed do what we can for others even if this may not be fully appreciated. If we are candid, we would also want others to help prevent us from hurting ourselves.



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