Tuesday, April 20, 2021

He Is Risen!


Matthew 27:65-66

Common English Bible

65 Pilate replied, “You have soldiers for guard duty. Go and make it as secure as you know how.” 66 Then they went and secured the tomb by sealing the stone and posting the guard.


During Easter time this year, I thought again about the burial and resurrection of Christ. Interestingly, Jesus enemies remembered clearly that Christ had predicted He would rise again on the third day—None of the disciples remembered it. His enemies went to Pilate and persuaded him to post a guard around the tomb of Christ. Even Satan himself wanted Christ to be forever entombed. He was hurting worse than ever before in his long evil history because he knew Christ had totally and irrevocably defeated him. Satan posted his demons around the tomb. The Sanhedrin and Pilate posted 100 soldiers of the most powerful nation on earth about the tomb. They sealed it with a Roman seal. There was no way on earth that Christ would ever see the light of day again.

But the rules of battle had changed. Things were no longer restricted to Christ’s humanity alone. One mighty angel of God showed up in full battle garb and nudged the massive stone cover aside. The soldiers all fell as though dead. The invisible demons from hell fled in chaotic disarray. Christ came forth from the tomb resplendent in divine power.

I am reminded of an experience on a miniature scale. In rural East Africa driver ants, each about a quarter of an inch long, can be found. They make “roads” through the bush and travel these roads by the thousands. They have been known to strip the flesh off an animal in a night. One evening they chose to go into the Conway’s home and clean it out. John Conway came to ask me for help. By the time I got there, there were several thousand ants milling around wildly on their concrete back porch. They must have been three-quarters of an inch thick, and they kept coming by the thousands. I went in and sprinkled kerosene on them and lit it. The whole floor burnt for some five minutes. When the flames went out, the ants continued to pour onto the porch. The Conways had to keep sweeping them out of the kitchen and back onto the porch. In their vast numbers, the ants calculated that they had us beat.

And they did—except for one thing: fire from above! I repeated the sprinkle-with-kerosene-and-light-it tactic, time and time again. This went on for most of the night. We must have burnt several hundred thousand ants that night. Since the colony of driver ants is not infinite, eventually we destroyed them. We stood there and laughed as they were completely incinerated by this fire from above, for which they had no defense.

The Psalmist describes the heavenly reaction to puny human and demonic attempts to keep Christ in the tomb: “From his throne in heaven the Lord laughs, and mocks their feeble plans” Psalm 2:4 (GNT).

Thank You, Lord, that You have beaten the devil, and Your triumphant and vigilant army is protecting me and everyone else who asks You to do so.


[i] https://www.funeralwise.com/digital-dying/death-by-ants-from-africa-and-australia-to-florida/

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