Revelation 22:1-3
Good News Translation
22 The angel
also showed me the river of the water of life, sparkling like crystal, and
coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 and
flowing down the middle of the city's street. On each side of the river was the
tree of life, which bears fruit twelve times a year, once each month; and its
leaves are for the healing of the nations. 3 Nothing
that is under God's curse will be found in the city. The throne of God and of
the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will worship him.
Beryl (name changed) phoned Sylvia up and invited us to
share a meal together at a local restaurant. It’s wonderful to not have to
worry about COVID-19 right now and still feel safe. Beryl got us a booth, and
we chatted as we waited for our orders. She spoke of the times we live in and
how everything is falling apart. With fear written all over her face she spoke
of multiple conspiracies and how dark the future looked.
She had been born in Italy and grew up in the Catholic
church. She loved its pomp and ceremonies. Then she became an Adventist, and
married an Adventist. Later her husband had drifted away from her and the
church and become quite bitter about the church. She had come to believe in
reincarnation and pitied a mutual friend of ours who is now dead, possibly from
suicide. Now the friend will have to start the life process all over again
working the way up towards nirvana. She explained how her life was like
climbing a ladder towards better and better things—first Catholic, then
Adventism, and now an even higher status. When she learned my birthday, she
commented that I was Aquarius-born and what my personality was like.
She told how she had recently listened to the Book of
Revelation again. After a long account of terrible troubles, she remarked how
the book ended from chapter 19 to the end. She mentioned how the Mark of the
Beast was introduced in chapter 19. And then the glorious description of the
New Earth where only peace, happiness and joy reign, [I resisted telling her
the Mark of the Beast is actually introduced in chapter 13, and the description
of Paradise starts in chapter 21.] I thoroughly enjoyed the hope and faith she
was expressing and didn’t want to spoil it.
She admonished: “You must listen to the book of Revelation
again. It really gives you a lot of hope.” Then her mood darkened as she
thought again about all our current troubles and dismal future. With a silent
prayer for wisdom, I encouraged her to keep her eyes focused on Christ. Each
time her worries take over, she must look at Christ and what He has done for
her. As she ascends this ladder of hers, she must always have Christ with her.
She brightened up again at this suggestion. She agreed that this would work.
As we parted, she thanked me for the words of encouragement
I had given her. Please pray for Beryl.
Lord, as
time runs down, Satan is redoubling his efforts to take all mankind into hell
with him. Please redouble the power of Your Holy Spirit in our lives to resist