Monday, November 9, 2020

Saved in Childbearing


1 Timothy 2:14-15

King James Version

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing. . .


It was in November of 1968 when Sylvia suggested that she was getting old—26 years old—and it was time to have a child. The thought had never entered my head. After all my parents had been married for 10 years before I came along. At that point we had been missionaries at Ikizu in Tanzania, Africa for two years. I was teaching more than a full load and was responsible for maintaining all the machinery on campus: the tractor, a vintage lawnmower, the electricity generator, flour mill, and water pump. It was also my duty to provide the kitchen with wood to fire their stoves. When anything went wrong anywhere on campus, I was the first person they called. I was too busy to think about raising a family.

Sylvia was warming to her subject: “Even the Bible says a woman would be saved by having children.”

I laughed: “Oh?”

Then she read from first Timothy, “Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing” . . .

She stopped, and let the words sink in. Then she added, “You don’t want me to be lost, do you?” All the other missionaries, the Dunder, Martinsen, Johnson, and Dobias families had children. Only the Kings (who probably couldn’t have children) had none.

The discussion went on. I did want children, of course. Then why not start now? Two or three weeks later I left to go a three week long mathematics teachers’ conference at the University of Dar es Salaam. When I returned from the conference, Sylvia was glowing. I thought she was happy to see me home. “I’m pregnant!” she beamed.

“Well, whom do you want to tell?”

“Oh, let’s keep it secret until I really start to show.” Which we did.


What a joy it is to participate in Your creating, Lord! Thank You!


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