Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Sojourn to Madagascar - Part 13 - Church Elders and Rain

The Moth Who Stayed for a Day
In the last Sojourn I mentioned right at the end that I had seen the five naked-eye planets on Thursday morning. I also mentioned that a cloud occluded Jupiter shortly after seeing it. I worried because Jupiter didn’t seem as bright as it should. My apologies; it wasn’t Jupiter. Two days later, on Saturday morning, the sky was perfectly clear at 5:10 a.m., and I went out again. This time Jupiter was clearly visible and as bright as I remember Jupiter’s being, only it was further west than Spica, in Virgo, which I had mistaken for Jupiter. As I correctly predicted, Venus and Mercury are both moving very fast and were considerably closer to the horizon than two days previously at the same time. They were also apparently much closer to each other.  

In Part 11 of these Sojourns I told you about the task of getting and activating the FAMA Newsletter email address list. Between Friday and Sunday I got all of them sent off and have only had about 4% of the addresses bounce. I have no idea how rapidly email addresses are dropped or exchanged, but I think that’s pretty good for any address list. In reply to the Newsletter we’ve had a number of offers to speak at the upcoming reunion on the first weekend of June.

Wildlife is not very impressive in our part of Mada. I was asked on the phone recently if there were any Zebra near us. Well, in spite of the Madagascar movies, there are no African big game of any kind. The Fossa is the largest carnivore on the island, and it is a kind of mongoose and not much bigger than a big cat. However we have beautiful moths and butterflies. I love stalking and taking pictures of butterflies, but they tend to be very uncooperative. I am including a picture of a really spectacular moth that sat on our door for about a day and two pictures of a small chameleon. With tail the chameleon probably was no longer than about 8 inches (20cm). It got the black patterns when it felt agitated or threatened.

Our Chameleon Visitor, Aggravated and Calm
A week ago all of the churches in Madagascar had a weeklong celebration of women in the church. The week culminated in Pam’s preaching at the Sambaina church. This past weekend they had training sessions for all church officers and their spouses. Mada society is very much a male dominated society, and the officers in the church tend to follow societal trends. So when I write “spouses,” you should probably read “wives.” Meetings in our church ran from Friday evening all the way through Sunday noon. They went fairly late into the night on both nights and started again at seven o’clock in the mornings. All of our students were asked to go and meet in a classroom block for Sabbath School and church. Our church was packed almost to the bursting point.

People from the other churches in the area packed the pews so tightly that they must have had a hard time breathing! In America people tend to sit in the pews with a space between each person. People don’t sit against each other unless they are in a romantic relationship. So I find it interesting to sit with bodies, arms, and legs right up against mine. I almost experience a bit of claustrophobia.
Crowded Church
The church organization has conferences made up of a number of church districts. Each district is made up of individual churches. There is a district pastor who is in charge of each district, and then each local pastor is in charge of several churches, unless the church is large--like the U A Z church which has its own pastor. Pastors are all on the conference payroll. Each church then has at least one “elder” or more where the church is larger. Elders are elected from the church members and must meet the strict requirements laid out for a “bishop” in 1 Timothy 3. Adventists have broadened the criteria in 1 Timothy to include both women and men as elders. All of the elders from our district sat in the front three rows of the church for this special meeting. There were no women elders, so I deduced that Mada still sticks closely to the criterion that the elder must “be the husband of one wife.” As such an elder cannot be a woman. We had one, newly elected, elder from our church. So there was a special ordination service for him in which all the pastors and elders present participated. They also had a deacon ordination and a dedication of 10 babies.
Dedicating 10 Babies
Sylvia and I went to the UAZ church as usual. Mr. Tahina translated for us from Malagasy into English. He did the best job of translating that we have had since our arrival two-and-a-half months ago. Usually all we get are some rather disconnected phrases and sentences that we have to try and piece together to make out what was actually being said. Mr. Tahina kept right up with the speakers.

Our district pastor preached the sermon, actually a charge to the elders. I have never, knowingly, laid eyes on him before, but he seemed to command a huge amount of deference and respect. The fact that the translation was so good caused me a certain amount of distress. Let me summarize what I remember from his charge.

He chose Psalm 23 as his text for the charge. In Malagasy the first verse starts out “Jehovah” is my shepherd. The King James Version of our Bible starts out “The LORD is my shepherd,” indicating that the Hebrew Bible uses the sacred Tetragramaton,  Yahweh, as God’s extremely holy name as being our shepherd. Then the pastor launched into a charge to the 31 elders (Sylvia counted them). “You are the shepherd.” You must cause the people to lie down in truth filled, green pastures. You must prepare a table of good food for the people. Your rod must guide the people into paths of righteousness.
31 Elders from Churches in Our District
I felt prickles run up and down the back of my neck. If I had had any hair, I’m sure it would have been standing on end. Was this district pastor saying that these elders must be God to their churches? Or was this simply blasphemy? At the time I felt it was blasphemy. I almost felt like I should get up and leave before the Lord struck us all dead.

But, of course, the district pastor went on and on. He had the audience with him by this time by using the time worn method which essentially is “If you agree with me say ‘amen!’” There was a rather lame “amen.” “Do you really mean it? Say ‘Amen!’ louder.” He soon had the audience literally shouting “Amen!” He used it several times to keep them with him. It seems to be a common method in the meetings I’ve been to in Mada to elicit crowd response by getting them to shout a phrase, whether it is “Amen!” or some other mantra.

He encouraged the elders to have personal devotions: “just you and your Bible. Of course you have family worship, and prayer meeting, and attend church. But that is not enough! You must spend at least 3 or 4 hours a week alone with your Bible.” Three or more hours of personal time with our Bibles would be good for all of us. When it is dictated it and not freely entered into, I’m not sure how much good it will do.

“You must listen to the news (this may have been un unfortunate translation) from the General Conference as you receive it on the Internet and as it is passed down to you by your Division , and your Union Conference, and your Conference and your District Pastor (meaning himself).” Somehow he left out “and your Local Pastor,” if I remember right. But that may be a glitch in my memory, or the translator had to hurry to keep up with the relentless flow of words.

Later they had all the elders stand in a line in front of us. That’s when Sylvia counted 31 elders. I looked at them and believe that indeed many of them are men of God. By the way a number of them were dressed,  I’m sure that they don’t have electricity, running water, or indoor plumbing in their homes, let along the Internet to receive word from the GC.
A Volunteer (like us!) Easter Lily in our Front Yard
What distressed me in this long set of injunctions for the elders was that there was not a single mention or even an allusion to the glorious hope we have in the soon coming of Jesus. Not once did he mention the love of Christ and His marvelous grace, without which we are “of all men most miserable.” It seems that they were to stay abreast of all the promotional programs dreamed up the various church administrative bodies, but they can forget the simple grace of Jesus Christ which is our only hope. Of course, I’m sure he didn’t mean that, but I did notice that the elders sat there stunned. As they stood in front of us afterward, they still looked stunned and showed no sign of the joy of salvation.
Zandritiana  (foreground) Who Played, by Ear, for Sylvia to Sing
Afterwards the visitors from the dozen or so churches in the district spread their blankets or sheets on the university’s extensive lawns and ate their lunches. We hung around for a half hour or so at the church so Sylvia could practice singing the Lord’s Prayer with a student accompanist, Zandritiana, who is a very able pianist. Pam had to do a spouse training meeting as part of the special district meeting and asked Sylvia to sing the Lord’s Prayer for it.

Lily opening and as it looked after the rain on the same day
The next meeting was to start at 2:00 p.m. We walked home, and as we got within a couple hundred yards or meters of home, large drops of rain began to hit us--not enough to get us wet, just enough to warn us that more was coming. By 1:30 the beautiful blue sky of the morning had given away to grey clouds and extremely heavy rain. We got over an inch (25mm) of rain in the next hour. A lovely lily that was just opening up that morning in our front yard was beaten almost beyond recognition. Hopefully someone got the church unlocked and opened so the people could take refuge inside! On Sunday we got another pounding rain with over an inch-and-a-quarter of rain (30mm). Some have suggested we must be on the edge of a cyclone. Who knows? We have no source of news except what we can ferret out of a very moody and reluctant Internet.

The previous day, Friday, we went to town with Pam and Gideon. They were scouting out conference rooms. They found one in Le Royal Palace (or was it Le Palace Royal?) and we chose to eat lunch there. We ordered two medium vege pizzas, two curried vegetables with eggs and four juice drinks. Then the waiter returned, looking very embarrassed, and told us that they had run out of rice: Would we like spaghetti instead? Realize that it is almost impossible in Mada to eat without rice. It is eaten in copious quantities at every meal, three times a day. I chided the waiter good naturedly. So he went and placed our order. He came back a few minutes later and even more shame-facedly confessed that they had no eggs. Could they substitute extra cheese on the spaghetti instead? The standard exclamation at this point is “Welcome to Madagascar!” usually voiced by Gideon. The food turned out to be excellent—the best I’ve eaten when we have eaten out. And the whole meal came for less than $20 for the 4 of us.

On Monday we had the usual chapel just before lunch. It was a special chapel this time. Madam Noée, head of the Language Department and my immediate boss and our neighbor who lives in the other half of our duplex, displayed two trophies the students won down at the English Drama Contest in Antsirabe a couple weeks ago.
Madame Noée, English Dept. Chair and Trophies Won at Drama Contest, Antsirabe
In addition, Gideon, our university president, had the high officials from church and state out for groundbreaking for the new student center for the university. This has been sorely needed. A large percentage of our students commute from nearby towns. This will give them a place to study and rest on campus in rain or cold. It will provide a cafeteria and a gymnasium and a large meeting hall. This will be larger than our church, so it will accommodate more students as the size of the student body increases.
Ground Breaking for New Student Center
I walked around town (the third largest city in Mada) with Gideon looking for a new battery for his Samsung phone. We found dozens of Samsung batteries none of which fit his phone. You have to wonder what kind of engineers they have at Samsung. By the end of the afternoon, I had begun to applaud Apple’s multi-billion dollar lawsuit against Samsung!


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