Monday, January 11, 2016

Sojourn to Madagascar Part 05 - Year End

Sojourn to Madagascar Part 5

Year End

While we were at Domaine Saint Francois (DSF), we asked the manager, Fanja, Parany’s sister, what the purpose of the institute is. A large poster explaining their operations hung on the wall, but all of the writing on it was in Malagasy which is still as mysterious as ever to me. DSF is financed mainly by lay people in France. It takes 20 destitute families in Tana each year into the institute. They test them for eligibility and aptitude. As soon as they are admitted into the program, then both parents must work full time for DSF for a year. During this time they are intensively trained with classes for parents and schooling for the children.

DSF Mission

The second year these families learn and practice farming on the DSF campus. If they pass these two years, they are provided with a brand new home in a remote area about 200 km (125 miles) west of Tana. They are financially set up for farming and housekeeping for the full year. They can use the proceeds of this third year to finance themselves for subsequent years. The Catholic Church gains 20 new self-supporting families in a region that is semi arid and has no one living in it. The families develop a loyalty to the church and have the drive and capability for independence, living on their own and becoming responsible members of the community.

DSF has very nice rooms that they rent out to people like us to help raise funds for their program. Fanja thanked us personally for our support for their program. She is 10 years older than Parany. I guess she is in her forties. The institute has a small dairy where the cows are still milked by hand. They have a model garden with a variety of vegetables and fruit and not a weed. Lovely warblers and some flashy red birds graced the garden.

We were told when we checked in at DSF that there was an American woman from California who was staying there. She was quite sick and hadn’t eaten anything for several days. I wondered if that were a tummy bug that she got as a result of eating the food served at DSF. When we got to supper, our first meal in the institute’s dining room, she showed up and sat at a nearby table. We invited her over to sit with us, and she complied weakly.

She looked to be in her sixties and rather frail. They brought her a salad plate before they brought any of our food. I suggested that we could pause in the conversation if she wanted to say grace. She demurred by saying lightly,” Oh it’s all right. I’m sure he understands,” and she pointed vaguely upwards.

She had flown down to Toliara, a coastal city south west of Tana. There she had spent a few days then joined a tour that was coming back to Tana over land. The group spoke about a certain mountain that was very interesting, and she joined the group to tour it. When the group started up the slopes of the mountain, she went along. Apparently the group didn’t speak English, so there was a major lack in communication. She said, “If I had known they were going to the top, I wouldn’t have gone!”
However, as they climbed higher and higher, she said she felt as though she was going to die. Finally she made it to the top with them. From the symptoms she described, I’m sure she was suffering from heat stroke. Her symptoms sounded very like mine did when I had a stroke as a teenager from working all day in the tropical sun outside of Bulawayo in the tropics in what is now Zimbabwe.
We eventually introduced ourselves. She told us that she is Dr. Diana Prince, with emphasis on the Dr., from San Diego. She has published a number of books and is working on a travel book, Adventure on Planet Earth. She toured much of Southern Africa a while back and now is working on her last two chapters on this trip—Namibia and Mada. She planned to fly out of Tana for home before the new year.

While we were talking about everything, our food arrived. The other eight of us at the table stopped for grace before starting to eat. She then apologized for not praying, but it was obvious that it was not her custom. From her conversation I concluded that at best she is a skeptic.

At one point I mentioned that something we had seen was so old it must have come out of Noah’s Ark. Her eyes lit up, and she told us that four years ago she had published, through Amazon, a book called A View from the Ark. In it she reports on a find on a mountain called something like Chudy or Judy in Turkey about 2 miles (3 km) from the Iranian border. A structure has been pushed up partially out of the ground that has the exact measurements of Noah’s Ark in Genesis. Some device something like an ultrasound has revealed compartments in the structure. The mountain is within sight of Ararat so fits the Genesis account well. She has written another book on Mary Magdalene which follows her travels including her sojourn in a cave in France. I think she says she has published about 12 books.

We saw Diana at breakfast the next morning. The food and sleep seemed to have revived her considerably. I may have to revise my estimate of her age downward to upper 50s or close to 60. I asked her if she had family that she notified about her being so ill. She indicated that she has friends who were shocked about where she went. I took it that she is single and may have been single all her life.

I had told the group about my experience on a two-night-three-day bus ride from Ikizu to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania in about 1967. The bus stopped away out in the plains so that people could get out and take care of their biological needs. The group all filed out and formed a large circle on the open plain and relieved themselves. I was too self conscious or too proud to do so. A couple hours later I need to go so badly I was almost blowing bubbles. When the bus finally stopped at another barren spot like this, I joined the circle! I asked them why they stopped in such an open area where there was nothing to provide privacy. They were afraid of snakes and lions. In an open area they didn’t have to worry about these dangers. Privacy is highly overrated anyway. After I told him this, Gideon called stopping in the bush to relieve ourselves “going to Tanzania.”

On our way back from Andasibe National Park, we took things a little easier. We stopped at a couple of the falls and took some pictures and “visited Tanzania”. Some of these beautiful spots were on a steep climb from about 3,340 to 5,570 feet in altitude according to my watch, which measures altitude by sensing barometric pressure. It is seldom accurate about the altitude of a spot unless it has been recently set. It is, however, reasonably accurate when measuring the change in altitude. So the road went up some 2,240 feet (680 m).

While we were eating breakfast in the Parany’s unit at the Hotel Le Guayave, their five year old Valerie sat next to me. She is a sweet little girl who speaks a fair amount of English and is both well trained and well behaved. She sat looking wonderingly at my naked forearm. Finally she looked into my face and saw that I was amused by her interest. I nodded approval, and she gently touched the hair on my arm. Satisfied, she removed her hand and continued eating. Here the people’s arms are hairless as if they had been waxed. Mine, on the other hand, are closely akin to those of Esau. Obviously in their eyes I am proof positive that at least my race descended from apes.

On our way home from Andasibe, just before entering the terribly narrow streets of Manjakandriana, we turned south on an unmarked dirt road that leads to Mantesoa, the site of a large man-made lake created to help in the generation of electricity. It was built in the 1930s and called the Reservoir de Mantasoa. An English couple who used to work for the Scripture Union, an international missionary organization, has lived there for 21 years now. They are Martin and Mary Barb (spelling?). He has built a large campus for the Scripture Union. On the other side of one arm of the lake he has built several lovely rooms with space to house various conventions or for people to rent for rest and relaxation. His buildings are very carefully built to his exacting standards and completely finished, unlike anything at UAZ or other places we have stayed in Madagascar. They are built almost exclusively of local material so are not very expensive.

Main Building on Scripture Union Campus. Martin at the door

Mary has set up a factory staffed with the local people who produce handicrafts, also to exacting standards, like homemade shopping bags which she ships to England where they are sold in the better class of shops for very good prices. Martin says they have twice yearly furloughs back to visit their relatives in England. This has, I’m sure, benefited their finding ways to market their handicrafts and earn hard currency.

Vadette in Mary’s factory

Peter and Vadette Delhove run ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) in Madagascar. He and his wife were staying in one of the “homes” Martin has built right at the edge of the high water mark of the reservoir. The water level was way down because of a severe drought they have had over the past couple years. Peter remarked that the water had come up several meters in the last couple days, so I think the rains are helping solve their problem. Delhoves find it very restful to take the two hour drive out from Tana and spend a weekend there. Peter claims he does it in an hour. It took LaLane almost an hour to drive from the Scripture Union campus back to the tar road. LaLane handles the nasty traffic in Tana much better than he handles rough dirt roads.

Martin’s latest “Home” L to R: Peter, Gideon, Pam, Sylvia’s back, Vadette

We stopped short of DSF, and Harimalala got 3 pizzas—two “grand” size vegetarian and one personal size with meat for LaLane. He was very happy. That evening we ate back in the DSF dining room. They made us boiled potatoes and a quiche. Harimalala had suspected that that wouldn’t be enough, so she purchased the Pizzas to supplement dinner. The dessert was pineapple slices as it had been two nights previously.
I got up about 5:30 Wednesday morning (December 30) and sat out in their outdoor dining area and wrote in my journal for about two hours. Breakfast was the same white bread, “chocolate” croissants (a big croissant with a minute dab of chocolate inside somewhere) and tea. This time, at our request, they brought Sylvia and me a couple eggs each.
After breakfast we packed up and were on the road by 9:30. Gideon phoned Mr. Manda, who lives in Tana, and found out a route that he reported was clear of traffic. We took it, but by the time we got there, it was stopped dead with traffic. It took us 3 hours to do 17 km. (10 miles)! At one intersection it took us ten minutes just to move one car length. I timed it. We bought a bunch of groceries at Shop Rite.

We sat at this intersection for about a half hour

Pam had been feeling quite sick for the previous two days and was feeling even worse by Wednesday. At the Seventh-day Adventist Indian Ocean Union Mission they have a medical clinic that is open 24/7 to help locals as well as workers and missionaries. This is where they have promised to take us if we get sick. We got there about 2:30 and found the place closed for the year and locked. I’m praying that we don’t get sick! Apparently the doctor on duty wanted to do some shopping before New Year’s Eve and simply went AWOL as did his whole staff! So much for 24/7! Pam went into the nearby dental clinic and found Hanitra who joined us in the car and guided us through a maze of streets to a Doctor Etienne (Steve in English). He felt Pam for a fever, chatted for 20 minutes or so, gave her a malaria shot, 4 more vials to be given at home over the next two days, an antibiotic, and some ibuprofen pills to keep the fever down. Pam was sure this had been a misdiagnosis because “there is no malaria at UAZ.” However, she started to feel much better by the next day. She figures she may have gotten it when they stayed overnight at the ADRA compound the time they picked us up at the airport. We’re taking our anti-malaria medicine faithfully!
Indian Ocean Union Mission Headquarters

Adventist Medical Clinic

Here people greet friends they haven’t seen for a while by leaning in towards each other and touching right cheek to right cheek, then they touch left cheeks, and finally touch right cheeks again. It is done with either sex and at times with people whom they have only recently met. I don’t know enough about when it is done it initiate myself.

On our way out of Tana we stopped at Jumbo Scores. It is a large department store something like Walmart or Target. There is one in Antsirabe, but it is much smaller, rather like the two other grocery stores in town. Sylvia had brought her electric curling iron from the States. When she plugged it in to the standard 220v, without thinking, there were a lot of popping noises. This brought her to her senses, and she unplugged it immediately. I don’t know whether she has ruined it or not. My guess is that the 110v she brought with her is no longer worth carrying back to the States to see if it works. Anyway, we found another one at Jumbo.

We left Tana in the hot late afternoon sunshine but quickly ran into heavy rain. The valleys that are carefully bisected into hundreds of rice paddies that are carefully supplied with enough water to keep about 6 inches of water in them while the rice grows were covered who knows how deep with the yellow-red water that had rushed off the surrounding hills in floods. The rivers came up almost to the bottom of the bridges. I felt really badly for the thousands of peasants who plant the rice as their only income for the year. They use a hand cultivating device that is a six or seven foot long steel rod with a handle at one end and two multiple star wheels, each placed one foot and two feet (30 and 60 cm) respectively from the other end. They run this up and down between the rows. Of course with everything flooded like it was, cultivation is also impossible. Fortunately the rivers went down as suddenly as they had come up. As I write this, two weeks later, we are again getting a lot of rain, so they may rise again.

Rice paddies from the road

We arrived home close to 7:30 p.m. in the dark. Short of a few chips and a couple pieces of broken bread, I ate nothing other than the white bread breakfast for the day. Much of the day had been spent in the terrible Tana traffic—no traffic lights and few if any traffic police.


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