Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Road Rage

Galatians 5:24

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified their corrupt nature along with its passions and desires.

Years ago I was teaching an evening class at Fitchburg State College. One evening as I was driving to class going down an almost deserted city street, I came up behind a motor cyclist doing about 15 mph (25 kph). He did his best to stay exactly in front of me. I began to realize that he was enjoying keeping me crawling along the street.

We came up to a red light, and I stopped next to him to await the green. He must have been dreaming for a moment because I quickly pulled ahead of him when the light turned green. I continued on down the road at the speed limit. This must have angered him because he pulled up right behind me and tailgated me down the street. In my rear view mirror I could see him riding so close to me that his front wheel was almost touching my bumper.

This went on for several blocks. There was no traffic, so he could easily have whipped on around me, but instead he clung to me like a leach. I could feel my corrupt nature seething with anger. A sudden all controlling, irresistible, diabolical urge to hit the brakes hard flooded my entire being. It took full possession of me. I could just see him wrapped all over the back of my station wagon. It would be his fault since he ran into the back of me. There was no possibility that he could avoid the wreck. It would teach the leach some manners and might indeed kill him. Death was too good for him!

But my corrupt nature was literally crucified. Its hands and feet were nailed down and couldn’t move. It had no way of hitting the brakes. Soon a cold sweat broke out on my forehead as I realized what had tried to take possession of me. I began to imagine how I would be able to live with a possible murder on my conscience. I have thanked the Lord many, many times for nailing my corrupt nature down at that time.

Oh Lord, continue to keep my corrupt nature nailed securely to Your cross.

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