Friday, January 30, 2015

How Did This Blog Start?

Jeremiah 2:31
The Voice (VOICE)
31 People of this generation, consider again the word of the Eternal.

How did this blog start? I was sitting in a funeral of an acquaintance of mine. As people spoke about him, I realized that he had been a good influence in many people’s lives. At the time I realized that my Christian experience had reached a plateau and stagnated there. In the silence of that funeral I pondered what might give a boost to my experience.

Something I had read from Ellen White swam into my consciousness, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and his teaching in our past history.”[i] Thinking back over the past years, I could see many instances in my life where God had led. At times I had followed, but at other times I had chosen not to follow His leading.

My wife, Sylvia, had been reading a devotional magazine called Guideposts and kept some back issues of the annual devotional books Daily Guideposts sitting in the bathroom. Leafing through a volume, I found that writers took a verse of scripture and wrote about a portion of their lives somehow related to that verse.

So I experimented with writing about my own experiences in relation to various passages of Scripture. This practice has renewed my faith and enriched my own experience. I have saved several hundred of these writings on my laptop. A number of them I have shared on this blog site. I like to write about my experiences rather than give an exposition of the verse because this helps me remember the way the Lord has led me.

The very process of writing about a specific incident or idea helps my mind to organize my thoughts about it. I often discover that this process of writing will start in one direction and lead me in a different−and likely more spiritually profitable−direction. You may wish to give it a try yourself. You definitely don’t need a computer to do it. In fact there appears to be a greater benefit in writing something by hand than entering it on a keyboard.[ii]

Lord, thank You for the way You have led me in the past. I know You can and will continue to lead me today.

[i] Testimonies for the Church v9, p10 quoted from Life Sketches, p196

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