Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wits End Rescue

2 Corinthians 12:9
My grace is enough for you: for where there is weakness, my power is shown the more completely.

We were en route to Africa for mission service with two little girls and a very pregnant Sylvia. We had a letter from her physician stating that she was able to travel and about $300 in cash. I had just finished graduate school, and our bank account was practically nil.

We had landed in Paris where the airline had obtained a day room for Sylvia to rest in while we waited for our flight to Harare in Zimbabwe. We tucked the two girls into the one single bed, and they went to sleep almost immediately. Sylvia ran a warm bath and settled in the tub. I told her I would go down and pick up our boarding passes. I encouraged her strongly to stay in the room. I really didn’t want to answer questions about her pregnancy and ability to fly.

The line was long at the South African Airways ticket office when I took my place at the end of the line. It moved forward at a snail’s pace, and finally, just as I stepped up to the desk with my tickets in hand, Sylvia waddled up. Her clothing did nothing to hide the fact that she was within six weeks of delivering a child.

Handing out tickets to the agent, I asked for boarding passes. Her eyes appraised Sylvia critically, “Is she going on this plane?” she asked with a strong South African accent.

“Yes,” I answered firmly, “Here’s the letter from her doctor!” I held out the letter.

“Oh no, she’s not!” She was equally firm and totally ignored the proffered letter. “Next please!” she said looking at the passenger behind me.

I didn’t move. “Oh yes she is!” We argued back and forth with “Yes” and “No” for a while. People in the line behind us were getting more and more impatient. The clerk was getting more and more aggravated. Finally she disappeared with a “Wait here!”

I breathed a desperate plea to heaven for help. I had visions of being stranded in Paris with no money, a very pregnant wife and two small children, and no understanding of the language. I knew of no one to call for help.

A tall official looking man walked in from a back office. He asked no questions, He said simply and finally. “She is not going on this plane! When the baby is born and ready to travel, then they can go. You and the children can go on this plane.”

As he started away I heard myself say with total confidence: “All right! We have a letter from the doctor. We have tickets. We are half way to our destination. You are obstructing our way. Therefore, you must put all of us up in a hotel until the baby is born and we are ready to fly. You must pay for all medical expenses.”

He looked at me in total disbelief. Now he pondered what to do. Then with another “Wait here!” he stalked off. He returned almost immediately with a sheaf of release documents. “Sign here! And here! And here!” Then the handed us the boarding passes.

Thank You, Lord, for Your willingness to step in when I’m at wits end and rescue me to show your strength and wisdom.

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