Friday, December 6, 2013

The Trees Clap Their Hands

Isaiah 55:12
World English Bible (WEB)
12 For you shall go out with joy,
    and be led out with peace.
The mountains and the hills will break out before you into singing;
    and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands.

It was late September as we drove north towards Rangely, Maine, on State Route 17.  Although it was a bit early for peak foliage colors in Maine, we were hoping to get an eyeful at least in spots. We stopped at Coos Falls in Byron. Here the water tumbles gleefully down a cascade of rocks into a lovely little canyon with vertical rocky sides. The sun made the day warm enough for us to enjoy the shade of trees along the bank.
We drove on up the road as it wound its way up higher and higher hills along the northern stretches of the Appalachians. Suddenly we rounded a corner to a spectacular view north and east far into New Hampshire. Below us a lake stretched away to the north east. It was a magnificently large lake. I wondered why I had never heard of it before. On a signboard I read and re-read the name, Mooselookmeguntic Lake. The name was almost as large as the lake and signifies the place where moose feed. Dozens of parked cars indicated others had stopped to enjoy the view. Everyone was out in shirt sleeves soaking up the sun and the sight of millions of trees in green and gold and red around this lake spread out in the northern forest. We later found out that the viewpoint, Heights of the World, has a name rivaling that of the lake.
Coming down the north side of the mountains, we again wound in and out. Finally we passed a brilliant display. Turning around, we pulled off onto Stone Hedge Lane, parked our car, and jumped out. Great maples sported brilliant orange, gold, and yellow leaves. We basked in the glorious display. Indeed the trees along the lane seemed to be clapping their hands, thrilling us in their joyous jubilation.
 Thank You, Lord, for letting us share in the trees’ celebration of the change of seasons.


  1. Love the picture with this. If the trees weren't rejoicing, then the viewers must have been.

  2. Indeed we were. This was taken at the Stone Hedge and Searles Drive corner.
