Monday, December 23, 2013

A Hummingbird's Christmas Home

Psalm 84:3
New International Version (NIV)
Even the sparrow has found a home,
    and the swallow a nest for herself,
    where she may have her young—
  a place near your altar,
    Lord Almighty, my King and my God.

Every Thanksgiving or shortly afterwards we put up strings of lights under our eaves and everywhere else that we can find a place. Each year we’ve used these lights to honor the birth of our Savior and Lord. The lights shine every evening through Christmas and New Year holidays, and then we take them down after the first week of the new year.
One year we noticed a hummingbird that frequented our bird-of-paradise flowers was especially anxious that we not come near. Whenever we went out the front door, it would hover over us, its wings buzzing an ominous warning drum beat. We are at times rather dense and slow to grasp the obvious messages of nature; it took us a while to realize that our little feathered friend was far more insistent and regular in its warnings than it usually was. It also flew to one particular spot under the eaves quite regularly. When the lights were on we could see nothing unusual. But in broad daylight we could see a beautiful and delicate little nest resting on the base of a bulb tucked up under the eaves. Often we could see our hummingbird’s head or tail sticking out over the edge of the nest.
That year we left that particular string of lights up well into April and long after there was no more sign of the hummingbird. Eventually the nest began to break of its own accord. When we did take it down, we were amazed at how comfortably the nest had been lined with down and lint. The mother had chosen a warm, safe place for her family.

May we place our lives as close to Your dwelling as we can so that You can protect and nurture us, gracious Lord.

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