Monday, October 7, 2024

Toy Trains





Ezekiel 37:5 Good News Translation

Tell them that I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them: I am going to put breath into you and bring you back to life.



The first few thoughts that flowed through my waking brain this morning were the words of the last verse of Amazing Grace. As I remember it, it goes--

When we’ve been there ten thousand years
            Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise,
            Than when we first begun.

 The vision of Revelation of the 24 elders sitting in a circle around God’s throne and continually throwing themselves face down on the ground and praising Him in vivid poetry flashed through my mind. I confess to not being inspired to an eternity of that nature. But then other things raced through my mind.

I have always been intrigued by languages. I listened to a series of 34 lectures by a Great Courses professor entitled Language Families of the World. He described the various classes of some 7,000 languages spoken in the world today and their unbelievably different ways of expressing ordinary thoughts. I’ve dabbled in over 10 of them. I would love to spend time exploring them all. The words of my thesis advisor came to mind, “I only have one life to live!”

As I tackled graduate mathematics, I found myself at the bottom of a vast quantity of knowledge surrounding me in every direction. I recognized that I had to forge my way through this in one direction until I reached its fringe. Then I pushed outwards and added a new bubble to it. What this did was open an even more vast array of unknowns to explore. I then had even more questions I wished to answer. The more we know, the more we realize how much more there is to discover. My curiosity is endless.

As a child I longed to have an electric train. We were much too poor to even consider buying one. I discovered a little shop in Bulawayo that had a delightful array of electric trains. I could stand there for hours and imagine what I could do with them. On one of our trips, Sylvia and I discovered a farm in southern Wisconsin where a farmer had a whole barn filled with trains and tracks. His wife showed us around, ran a bunch of the trains for us. When she left, she turned the power off, and all the trains stopped and sat there, dead, until she would provide them power again.

Life is like that barn of trains. The huge array of life thrives around the world. All of it depends on external power. When that “power” is cut off, life ceases. Everything lies there in obvious readiness to spring into action. Life is like that barn, and in some ways, God is like that woman in the barn. As long as God provides that elusive spark of life, it roars on; otherwise, nothing—desolation. We need the Sovereign Lord to put breath back into the dead bones.

Lord, thank You for Your constant supply of breath and life and the glorious promise it holds for our future.




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