Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Son of Man





John 6:27 Common English Bible

27 Don’t work for the food that doesn’t last but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Human One[a] will give you. God the Father has confirmed him as his agent to give life.”


Our Adventist church uses a liturgical style worship in it’s 9:00 service, following loosely the Revised Common Lectionary[2]. I attend this service regularly and have the privilege of reading the liturgy at least once in most months of the year. I value the experience and gain a personal blessing and try to make the reading a blessing for those who hear me. The actual liturgies are written locally, which often gently try to correct some of the perceived Adventist departures from common modern norms. For example, the Adventist Church official policy is to only ordain males to be pastors. So our current liturgies try to encourage us to think in a gender neutral manner.

On Sabbath, August 3, 2024 the gospel reading for the day was John 6:24-35. The liturgist chose to read it from the Common English Bible (CEB) version. Most English versions, in fact all of English versions on the Bible Gateway website, except the CEB, read “Son of Man,” the name which Christ tended to call Himself. The CEB, which I quote above, tries to be gender neutral and translates the name as “Human One.” Because most people will not recognize this appellation, it gives a marginal reading at “[a]” as the “Son of Man.” I knew it sounded strange to my ear when he read it.

My personal feeling is that this steals the intended meaning of the text, in order to appease a fanatical element in the church. This turns our attention away from Jesus’s intended meaning of His Mission as Messiah to that of gender equality issues. The Adventist mission is to prepare the world for the Second Advent of Christ and Sabbath sanctity and the end of the Great Controversy—the Universal Climax to the eradication of sin and Satan. Gender inequality is an unfortunate result of Satan’s rebellion against Christ. It has societal importance, and Satan is using it to direct our attention away from our divinely assigned mission.

Lord please keep our attention on what You have assigned us to accomplish in these last days of earth’s history.


[2] See the Wikipedia entry at

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