Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year 2025



Psalm 25:4-5 Good News Translation

Teach me your ways, O Lord;
    make them known to me.
Teach me to live according to your truth,
    for you are my God, who saves me.


This is my prayer for 2025. God has certainly led me in 2024—sometimes in paths I didn’t really want to go, and sometimes in desirable paths that I would not have chosen without His leading. Usually, I have chosen my own ways, and He has either gone with me or tolerated my wandering. In our Christmas letter, which I have posted on this Blogspot (https://wils-thoughts.blogspot.com/), I mention occasions where I sensed God’s leading in a compelling way.

When I was a kid in academy (high-school), I was taught that I had a guardian angel who accompanied me where ever I went. I was taught that he kept a “notebook” at hand and wrote down everything I did, i.e. he was the Gestapo who was always trying to trap me in my misbehaviors. If I went into unsavory places like a bioscope (cinema), a bar, or a nightclub, he would wait outside for me to come out. If I died in such a place, the devil made off with my soul, grinning from ear to ear; my guardian angel would then weep for me.

In my current considerations, I believe that I do have a guardian angel who does his best to guard me against sin, harm, and danger. I also believe there is a rogue angel with me who is out to destroy me at all cost and sometimes has my ear. A major chore of the guardian is to thwart the rogue’s evil attempts. I do not believe that my guardian angel is there to spy on me. Christ promised in John 3:17: “For God did not send his Son into the world to be its judge, but to be its savior.” (GNT) Christ’s own testimony is that His is a purpose of love and salvation.

So, in 2025, may I and you start each day reminding ourselves that we have limitless sources available for our boon and to preserve us from the bane.

Thank You, Lord, for exercising Your mighty power and Your infinite wisdom on our behalf at all times!

Happy New Year!



Labels: #California, #ie, #inlandempire, #boon, #bane, #guardianangel, #rogueangel, #gestapo, #bioscope, #cinema, #nightclub, #bar, #Christmasletter, #judgement, #danger, #harm, #sin, #academy, #highschool, #chore, #Christ, #God

[1] https://www.etsy.com/listing/1821856644/12-png-happy-new-year-2025-clipart-new?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_all&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQiAyc67BhDSARIsAM95Qzta83Tfg9uwX6B5xW1kXAIRKCWHUCo8sP0LhThav8EDOjJdAbyiHg8aAmZvEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_21500569332_164907277083_707558291651_pla-293946777986_c__1821856644_5362917685&utm_custom2=21500569332&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyc67BhDSARIsAM95Qzta83Tfg9uwX6B5xW1kXAIRKCWHUCo8sP0LhThav8EDOjJdAbyiHg8aAmZvEALw_wcB

Monday, December 30, 2024

Hold Out to the End



Matthew 24:12-13 Good News Translation

12 Such will be the spread of evil that many people's love will grow cold. 13 But whoever holds out to the end will be saved.



While a student at Andrews University, I discovered the joys of being in an academic environment. Many of the students had interests in all kinds of things; curiosity was popular and encouraged. I had discovered the fulfilment that came from picking up languages. In high school I learned Afrikaans and could speak it fluently. Then as a sophomore in college, I found myself at Seminar Marienhöhe sweating to learn German. By the end of the semester, I was speaking it fairly easily. At the end of that semester, my brother Elwood and I were shipping out to the States through Rotterdam in the Netherlands. From a Bbile Society booth, I picked up the gospel of Mark in Dutch. Totally unaware of the pitfalls of language, I spent several weeks reading the gospel and, using my Afrikaans to understand the meanings of the words, wrote up a grammar for Dutch and felt pretty good about knowing the language. When I got to Holland, I quickly discovered that I had done well and understood all that was being spoken. However, it took a couple days to pin down the fact that the Dutch I had taught myself so diligently was very old fashioned. It was like King James English—understandable, but totally outdated. The gospel I had used was probably the Statenvertaling of the Bible and was published in 1637! However, by the end of four days, I was getting around very well in modern Dutch.

At Andrews the Greek scholar, Leona Running, announced that she would be teaching New Testament Greek on Friday evenings in the Seminary Chapel. As a kid I had spent a lot of time delving into various historical fonts and knew the Greek alphabet very well. So, I showed up to the Seminary Chapel and got myself a seat near the front. The chapel filled up so there was standing room only as Dr. Running began her first lecture. She had me enthralled. I observed, in total surprise, that over the next ten weeks there were significantly fewer attendees at each meeting. For the last few meetings there were only about four of us attending. Prof. Running was not surprised.

About ten years later, I was a graduate student at the University of Iowa working on my PhD in mathematics. I was toying with going to teach math at Middle East College in Beirut, Lebanon. Two Egyptian students at the university announced a “class” in Egyptian Arabic. I signed up and made excellent progress in Arabic. Again, I noticed the same phenomenon as in the Greek class. The first meeting or two we had a huge class, but towards the end there were only a handful of people who were still coming. I did not go to Lebanon; instead, I went to Helderberg College in South Africa. However, I’ve often wondered how I would have done with Egyptian Arabic in Lebanon. As it is, I never used the Arabic and so have forgotten it, except for some cognates of Swahili words I had learned during five years teaching math and learning Swahili in Tanzania.

In Biblical stories, remember Noah’s Ark? I have a feeling that when Noah started building it, he had a large number of helpers. However, as more than a century went by, many helpers’ love or enthusiasm grew cold, and they deserted him. Eventually only three of his sons, and he probably had many, entered the ark with their wives and were saved. Most of the antediluvial patriarchs started their families during their first or second centuries, whereas Noah’s sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth were all born around the beginning of his seventh century. Very likely he had other children during his younger years, but they never went into the ark to be saved. That must have been tragic for Noah and his wife.

Christ was aware of our human nature to start things but then give up along the way. Hence His encouragement in our text.

Continue to remind me, Lord, that I must hang in there with You, or all of our cooperation of effort will be in vain.


[1] https://blissfulroad.com/the-importance-of-persistence-in-achieving-your-goals/

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Clarke's Christmas Letter in 2024


Christmas 2024



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Uni took the picture above at Thanksgiving this year. Our Thanksgiving was celebrated with Fred and Uni in Riverside. In our picture, David and Julia Zuckerman are standing, Uni and Fred Clarke are on the floor trying to get Oso to look at the camera. On the couch we have Craig and Esther Kinzer sitting next to Sylvia and Wil Clarke with Katie (or Catherine the Great) lying on Oso’s bed. Our whole family was together! Our dogs even made it, but on account of their consideration, the cat and rats stayed at their respective homes. Our kids made the food including dessert. They asked us to bring the drinks. Thank you, kids, for your consideration for the old folks!

A website called NaNoWriMo tends to build a fire under me to keep writing, even when it’s inconvenient. NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writers’ Month = November, and any genre (not just novels) is grist for their mill. It helped me get all but the last chapter or two of my book about our experience in Tanzania (1967-1971) written. It is in memoir form. I should really say our book because Sylvia has put a lot of time into it, too. I hope that before next year at this time, we will have the printed book in hand.

You may remember that there was an eclipse of the sun back in August, 2017. I was still recovering from West Nile Virus, and that prevented me from traveling to see it. So we laid plans to see the eclipse this year (April 2024), the only other total eclipse visible from the U.S. until 2044 (at which time I would be 102 years old, if I lived that long.) Julia, who works at Cal. Tech., figured out that Torreon, Mexico, would have the best possible chance of clear skies. So we flew there in April. We rented a car that was supposed to seat six people. Herz cheated us and gave us an SUV that only seated five. There were six people in our group: Julia, David, Fred, Uni, Sylvia and I. Almost everybody on our plane was going to Torreon, Mexico, to see the eclipse, so there were no other cars in the area from any rental company. Uni volunteered to sit in the back facing backward. Thank you, Uni! The skies were cloudy in Torreon, so we drove for over an hour to Durango and had a wonderful view of the eclipse. Watching the total eclipse gave me an amazing, unexpected emotional high. We are grateful to our children for making this possible.

We travelled east again this summer. My cousin Fred’s wife passed away around Thanksgiving last year, and my primary goal for the trip was to attend her funeral in June. (Because the ground freezes in northern Michigan during the winter, they delayed the funeral

until June.) An advantage of attending funerals is that it is usually accompanied by a family reunion. It is a foretaste of the grand family reunion we will have when Christ comes. I’m counting on you to attend that one with me! Thank You, Jesus!

          On Lincoln Highway in Wyoming

A couple years ago two young people phoned me from Ontario, Canada, They had done some research and wanted to write a historical novel about my mother, Esther. I asked them how much they knew about her, and Nolan sent me a document close to 50 pages long of stuff they had found on line! I was stunned. We spent a few weeks on and off, talking on the phone about her, and I tried to give them an idea of the human side of her life. So I set another goal to stop and see these two, Nolan and Sarah.

I had a frustrating time trying to get a time when we could all three meet. Nolan and Sarah live about 150 miles apart. While I was in Michigan and Ohio, I just couldn’t get it to work and couldn’t get hold of Nolan by phone, I finally prayed to the Lord to have Nolan phone me. That was about 10:00 one night when Sylvia and I were sleeping in the bed of our pickup. The Lord usually doesn’t answer me with such alacrity. But 2:00 a.m. my cell phone rang, and Nolan promised to make all the arrangements. I was stunned that God had chosen to answer my petition so soon! After the phone call, I lay back and laughed just like Abraham and his wife laughed when God promised to give them their son, Isaac. It is an astounding event when the almighty God chooses to answer you personally. We had a tremendous get together the next Sabbath in St. Thomas, Ontario. We were delighted to meet both of their families. Now I’m eagerly awaiting the fictional story of my mother’s life from their computers!

We had originally planned to come home via Washington State and see Sylvia’s brother Judson. However, a sequence of events brought us home pretty much along I-40, which doesn’t go anywhere within half a country from them. So in August we outlined a detailed plan that would take us north to Washington to see Judson and a number of our other family members and friends.

    At Pumpkin Rock near home

Sylvia and I are now both octogenarians, so the morning we left home, I said to the Lord, “You know, Lord, I haven’t really talked to You about our trip. Please give us a safe trip, and if You think we shouldn’t go, please let us know, and we’ll turn around and come home.” The temperature was well above 105º (40°C), but we made good time. We were driving our car this time, and it has a better A/C, than the pickup. At 168 miles (270 km) from home along US 395, we stopped at a rest area.

Before taking off from there, I pulled out a map and studied it a bit. My cell phone rang, and my ENT (otolaryngologist) said, “I just got your culture back, and you have a staph infection. Find the nearest hospital and go to the emergency room and get treatment.” He was sure they would admit me. Not wanting to be in the hospital out there in the desert—if there were one to by found—I realized that the Lord was telling me to turn around. At about 9:00 p.m. I pulled into the Riverside Community Hospital. They indicated they wanted to keep me there. However, by about 2:00 a.m., they sent me home with a prescription. A couple weeks later, my ENT did surgery on my sinuses, and the staph has disappeared. Thank You, Lord, for taking a personal interest in my well-being and Dr. de Jager for following up on my condition.

One of the major reasons for going to Washington State was to see my cousin Eugene. He was in a precarious condition health-wise, and I really wanted to see him again. However, that was not to be. He passed away a couple months later. If I had driven north, I would have probably seen him, but there may have been two funerals instead of just his. My brother, Elwood, helped me financially to fly up to Eugene’s funeral.

Sylvia is celebrating her retirement by taking voice lessons from a voice teacher she found in Loma Linda, CA. She has sung in choirs on and off ever since before we were married and got a lot of training there. However, she never had the opportunity to take personal voice lessons, before. She is really enjoying the training. She has performed in a couple concerts recently including singing “The Holy City”, a musical ballad composed in 1892 by Michael Maybrick (alias Stephen Adams) and text by Frederic Weatherly. Needless to say, I’m mighty proud of her! This season she has laid some plans to take groups singing carols in the neighborhood especially for people who are shut-ins. You’re welcome to come and join her.

“The Inlandia Institute is a lively center of literary activity serving the 29,000 sq. mile inland Southern California Region”. Sylvia and I have benefited and been benefitted by the Institute. I have been an Inlandia Writing Workshop leader for four years now. I started doing this after the untimely death of Ms. Celena Bumpus, who was our leader for years before she passed away at the beginning of 2021. I have neither the creativity nor the wide knowledge she had. But our group is producing excellent material. Both Sylvia and I enjoy meeting with our group, Celena’s Scribes, and with Rose Mongé’s Memoir Writing Group. Rose spends a lot of time preparing for her group. She even publishes an annual writing anthology. Both Sylvia and I contributed some articles to what Rose calls Writing Warriors: Time Passages this year. Sylvia also has seven pages and I have six pages in the 2023 anthology, Writing From Inlandia, published last month. Besides my Tanzania memoir that I am finishing up, I also have a devotional blog I call “Experiencing a Bible Verse,” and I encourage you to check it out at https://wils-thoughts.blogspot.com/  I have not published as many blogs this year as previous years. Let’s just attribute that to my slowing down as the years go by.

We wish you a blessed and merry Christmas this year and pray for a powerful and prayerful 2025. It appears to us that things may be winding up for the spectacular coming of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We can rejoice to meet Him in person.



Wil & Sylvia Clarke

5547 Wentworth Dr.

Riverside, CA 92505

Wil’s cell: 951-231-5402

E-mail: wil.clarke@gmail.com

Erase our home phone if you have it





Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Sleep, Peace, and Lions


Psalm 4:8 King James Version

I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.


I love the majestic English of the King James Version of the Bible, don’t you? I read Psalm 4 this morning, and it reminded me of an incident in our Tanzanian experience and also of Rose, our fearless leader, who assigned us the prompt: “Write about the blessings you have in your life.” During this NaNoWriMo month, I am trying to whip my Ikizu Memoirs into final or at least semi-final form. I am on chapter 53 of 58 planned chapters. Sylvia is my editor, and she recently sent me chapter 41 entitled Lion Encounter.

On Sunday night we were camping with our group in the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Serengeti National Park. In our tent we had our one-year-old daughter and the three Conway children, too. I awoke in the predawn to the sound of something dropping onto the roof of our tent. Deciding it must be a small branch from the tree we had pitched under, I turned over to go back to sleep. Suddenly, George’s shout: “Get out of here!” from the next tent, shocked me into action. Grabbing a flashlight, I jumped up and raced to the door of the tent, unzipped it, and shone the flashlight out into the darkness.

I stopped dead. Frozen. Not ten feet were the shining eyes of two lions staring back at me. There was nothing between me and two lions! They lay between me and the campfire. Time stretched out. The lions watched me but made no move. I remained still. Slowly, I swung the light of the flashlight in a wider arc. There were at least seven lions around our campfire, staring at me. Their eyes roved a bit to my right. There was George, clad only in his briefs, standing frozen in his doorway—and more lions.

I yelled to wake up the others in the group. Two teenagers sleeping in an old Land Rover looked out their windows. They started the Land Rover, and it backfired into action. All the noise was disturbing the lions’ tranquility. Slowly they got up and stretched. Regally, thirteen lions filed out of our campsite. There was no hurry, no obvious fear in their attitude, maybe only a bit of disgust.

No one got any more sleep. When daylight arrived and we got up to eat breakfast, on the roof of our tent we found two dusty lion footprints. Conversation centered around whether or not the lions were hungry. Two or three miles down the track towards the park headquarters in Seronera, we came upon our thirteen lions, busily polishing off two Thompson Gazelles. That ended the discussion about the lions’ lack of hunger.

This morning, my gratitude extends from not being devoured by lions then to an almost complete Ikizu Memoir now. Rejoice with me!

How grateful we are, Lord, that we can lie down and sleep because of the assurance that You make us dwell in safety.




[1] https://www.instagram.com/elmarvn/p/CqPs67XKbTg/

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Dog Walking and Terror



Psalm 4:8 American Standard Version (ASV)

In peace will I both lay me down and sleep; For thou, Jehovah, alone makest me dwell in safety.

Cleo, our German shepherd-Labrador mix, and I had a routine that we went through every night. If I forgot one thing, she refused to do the next thing. When it was bedtime, she got restless. She sighed heavily, then came over and lay down where ever I was sitting. Finally, I’d take the hint and go to the coat closet and fetch her leash, a small flashlight, and a plastic bag for her indiscretions. Then we walked across the street and out into the desert beyond.

The desert is always solitary and indeed deserted. The city lights are ever close, so our stroll was never in the deep darkness of the desert a long way beyond us. But enough stars are actually visible to make out the constellations. The planets do indeed wander through the background of stars beyond. At the time, Saturn was bright in the sky and had been sneaking up on Spica for several months.

Often coyotes were singing to the moon all around us. On occasion we even saw one watching us boldly or slinking slyly away. Cleo was a bit larger than even the largest coyotes, and she has a great love of chasing them. I would slip her leash loose and watch her eagerly give chase. She was far too old and fat and slow to get too close. But she loved it, and the coyotes seem to love it, too. As they got to a “safe” distance, they would stop, turn around, and watch her, sort of egging her on.

One time, years before Cleo was born, I was walking Brenna, another of our line of dogs, when a woman appeared from the south with a couple dogs in tow. She was surprised or even shocked by my appearance. Our dogs were on leash, so there was no potential dog fighting.

“Oh! I’m terribly sorry. I promise I’ll never come out here again!” She was overcome with fear.

“Don’t worry,” I answered. “You’re not doing anything wrong and certainly in no danger. I like to walk my dog here, too.”

“Please let me go!” she pleaded. In her terror, she continued verbally groveling, making very little sense in what she said.

I was surprised by her attitude. I, an old man, was certainly not threatening her. I was at least twenty yards from her when she saw me and was not even walking towards her, let alone pursuing her. That she lived in fear was evident in everything she said and in every movement she made. She turned and hastened back towards the houses and streets.

Thank You, Lord, for a feeling of safety and that every night we both lie down and sleep.



[1] https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP._6oRDiZBYfh4V7VuUe_VIAHaEb%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=67572bdf60898b97f1494ba51058ec7f616bc3670dd0efaa2216ac2d1c5e8393&ipo=images

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Do Not Forgive!



John 20: 23 Good News Translation

If you forgive people's sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”


For 27 years I worked with a man who remembered every mistake or imagined mistake I had ever made and freely reminded me of all of them every time he took me to task about another imagined transgression. He often spent 40 minutes and more recounting everything I had done, or he had at least accused me of doing. At times I would leave the office, blood pressure sky high, shaking with rage. I began to fear that I would die of a heart attack from his merciless accusations.

In the Lord’s prayer He admonishes us, 

Forgive us the wrongs we have done,
              as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us

Then He elaborates on this, lest people think that by giving us the power to forgive or to retain people’s sins we actually have the power to save or condemn them. Instead, He is pronouncing judgement on the person who refuses to forgive. He makes that crystal clear in his caveat immediately following the prayer:

If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive the wrongs you have done.[3]

Throughout the centuries the Christian church has chosen to not forgive people their sins and to torture them mercilessly, even burning them alive or locking them in foul dungeons for years. Its leaders have claimed that Christ gave them that power in John 20:23. They have ignored Christ’s statement about not forgiving those who are unforgiving—those who abuse that power.

And now, the rest of the story of my merciless accuser. I started seriously praying for the salvation of my accuser. As time went by, he left off his accusations and became my strong supporter. I didn’t realize it at the time, but by praying for his welfare, I was indeed forgiving him for his accusations. This resulted in my having a much more tranquil, healthy, and productive life. Christ never did say, “You don’t need to forgive them!” in spite of the accompanying picture.

Dear heavenly Father, give me the grace to forgive others.


[1] https://rockchurchfargo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/You-dont-need-to-forgive-them.jpg

[2] Matthew 6:12 GNT

[3] Matthew 6:14, 15 GNT

Thursday, October 24, 2024

I Will Always Keep You Safe

Isaiah 46:4 Contemporary English Version

I will still be the same
when you are old and gray,
    and I will take care of you.
I created you. I will carry you
    and always keep you safe.


It is Sylvia’s birthday today as I write this. She loves the Lord. She has always loved the Lord. When I got disillusioned and was ready to throw out the baby with the bathwater, she still clung to the Lord. Growing up she aspired to be a missionary to Africa, to the islands, to Asia, to South America, no matter. We ended up going to Tanzania in Africa. When it came time to leave Africa, she resisted until the Lord almost had to chase her out.

Two of her babies were born in Africa. Numerous times her first daughter nearly died of malaria there, but our great God took care of both her and the child He gave her.

She had placenta previa when her second daughter was born, and she praised the Lord that He placed her in the greatest hospital in Iowa. He had her up and walking the next day.

Later South African Airways tried to ban her from flying because she was with child. They were heartless and anxious to destroy her by abandoning her in the big city of Paris. However, God carried her and kept her safe. He forced SAA to abandon their malicious attempt.

When she was “old and gray,” she fell some thirty feet down a rock face, broke seven bones, and gashed open her head. God sent a helicopter to pick her up and take her to hospital. Again, she was up and walking around the next day.

She was a passenger in a car when an 18-wheel truck T-boned her. In what appeared to be a sudden death situation, God stepped in and slid the car out of the path of the accelerating truck after letting the truck push it sideways for over 50 feet. Insurance totaled the car, but she got out and walked away.

Yes. She had her bout with COVID-19. For ten days she could barely keep either food or water in her stomach. She ran a fever and coughed. God helped modern medicine shake her out of death’s clutches.

Thank You, Lord, for taking care of and keeping Sylvia safe through more than eight decades!


Monday, October 14, 2024

Enthusiasm in Worship


Habakkuk 2:20 King James Version

20 The Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.


The words of this text were stretched in a banner across the front of our church when I was a kid. They were read from the pulpit, and we were urged to exercise reverence before the Lord. Our songs were sung in subdued voices. Only very seldom did someone in the congregation venture a softly spoken, heart-felt “Amen!” There was definitely no running in the sanctuary. The robed choir would sacredly chant these words as they filed somberly in and took their places on the platform.

My grandfather was hard of hearing, so our family always sat on the right-side, front pew. Since Dad was an honored member of the church, his family was expected to behave with perfect decorum. Mom was very cognizant of this expectation and did her very best to make the family live up to the ideal. Yes, we respected the fear of the Lord—and of the razor strap behind the bathroom door at home.

Our salvation was received with solemn acceptance under the realization that it could be withdrawn on the slightest infraction. We trembled lest there be a hidden sin lurking in our past that might be revealed on the day of judgement, and we would be cast into the outer darkness, where all unfortunates cringed weeping, wailing, and gnashing their teeth.

We read, but rejected and ignored, such verses as “You will take up your tambourines and dance joyfully!”[1]  “Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.”[2] “Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.”[3] “Clap your hands for joy, all peoples! Praise God with loud songs!”[4]   

A visiting week of prayer pastor taught us to sing the following with gusto (* indicates repeat three times):


I've got a home in Glory land that (clap) outshines the sun, *
Way beyond the blue.

Do Lord, oh, do Lord, oh, do remember me, *
Way beyond the blue.


I took Jesus as my Savior, (clap) you take him too, *
Way beyond the blue.

Do Lord, oh, do Lord, oh, do remember me, *
Way beyond the blue.


The next year the song was banned because it had a beat to it, and this caused the youth to move to the music. God forbid!

Was it always this way? “I saw,” wrote Ellen White in 1850, that “singing to the glory of God often drove the enemy, and shouting would beat him back and give us the victory. I saw there was too little glorifying God in Israel and too little childlike simplicity.”[5] In Paris, Maine, in 1850, Ellen White noted: “Sunday the power of God came upon us like a mighty rushing wind. All arose upon their feet and praised God with a loud voice; it was something as it was when the foundation of the house of God was laid. The voice of weeping could not be told from the voice of shouting. It was a triumphant time; all were strengthened and refreshed. I never witnessed such a powerful time before.”[6] Ron Graybill noted these and many more instances in his article “Enthusiasm in Early Adventist Worship” in the October 1991 issue of “Ministry Magazine.”[7]

John the revelator reported on Christ’s reaction to lukewarm religion: “Because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth!”[8]

Dear Lord, build a fire under us and send us forth with an enthusiasm that will ignite the earth!


[1] Jeremiah 31:4 GNT

[2] Psalm 32: 11 KJV

[3] Psalm 149:3 KJV

[4] Psalm 47:1 GNT

[5] Ellen G. White to Arabella Hastings, Aug. 4,
1850 (letter 8, 1850).

[6] Ellen G. White to The Church in Brother
Hastings' House, Nov. 7, 1850 (letter 28, 1850)

[7] https://www.ministrymagazine.org/archive/1991/10/enthusiasm-in-early-adventist-worship

[8] Revelation 3:16 GNT

Monday, October 7, 2024

Toy Trains





Ezekiel 37:5 Good News Translation

Tell them that I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them: I am going to put breath into you and bring you back to life.



The first few thoughts that flowed through my waking brain this morning were the words of the last verse of Amazing Grace. As I remember it, it goes--

When we’ve been there ten thousand years
            Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise,
            Than when we first begun.

 The vision of Revelation of the 24 elders sitting in a circle around God’s throne and continually throwing themselves face down on the ground and praising Him in vivid poetry flashed through my mind. I confess to not being inspired to an eternity of that nature. But then other things raced through my mind.

I have always been intrigued by languages. I listened to a series of 34 lectures by a Great Courses professor entitled Language Families of the World. He described the various classes of some 7,000 languages spoken in the world today and their unbelievably different ways of expressing ordinary thoughts. I’ve dabbled in over 10 of them. I would love to spend time exploring them all. The words of my thesis advisor came to mind, “I only have one life to live!”

As I tackled graduate mathematics, I found myself at the bottom of a vast quantity of knowledge surrounding me in every direction. I recognized that I had to forge my way through this in one direction until I reached its fringe. Then I pushed outwards and added a new bubble to it. What this did was open an even more vast array of unknowns to explore. I then had even more questions I wished to answer. The more we know, the more we realize how much more there is to discover. My curiosity is endless.

As a child I longed to have an electric train. We were much too poor to even consider buying one. I discovered a little shop in Bulawayo that had a delightful array of electric trains. I could stand there for hours and imagine what I could do with them. On one of our trips, Sylvia and I discovered a farm in southern Wisconsin where a farmer had a whole barn filled with trains and tracks. His wife showed us around, ran a bunch of the trains for us. When she left, she turned the power off, and all the trains stopped and sat there, dead, until she would provide them power again.

Life is like that barn of trains. The huge array of life thrives around the world. All of it depends on external power. When that “power” is cut off, life ceases. Everything lies there in obvious readiness to spring into action. Life is like that barn, and in some ways, God is like that woman in the barn. As long as God provides that elusive spark of life, it roars on; otherwise, nothing—desolation. We need the Sovereign Lord to put breath back into the dead bones.

Lord, thank You for Your constant supply of breath and life and the glorious promise it holds for our future.


[1] https://www.scenicpathways.com/toy-train-barn-argyle-wisconsin/

[2] https://www.travelwisconsin.com/museums-history/toy-train-barn-198829

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Woman Snake Enmity




Genesis 3:15

Good News Translation

[God said to the snake] 15 I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite her offspring's heel.”


From across the street, Shirley came breathlessly into our house yesterday. I was in my office in the back of the house. All I could hear was impassioned conversation between Shirley and Sylvia. Finally, curious, I walked into the front room. Shirley described how her grown son, Ivan, who was on his way out the door, said: “Be careful when you walk out into the backyard. There’s a rattlesnake out there.”

“Well, aren’t you going to do something?” she asked in half panic.

“Nah,” He drawled, “Just be careful where you walk,” and he was out the door.

Shirley told me she placed a tub over the snake and came over to our house. Her breath was short, and her whole demeanor radiated distress!

Rattlesnakes live in the hills around our neighborhood. Katie and I find them occasionally. I have taught her to beware of them and give them wide berth. She can sense a bit of alarm and warning in my demeanor when I see the snake. I do fear that she will try and protect me by rushing in and attacking the snake—which would be a fatal move on her part. So far, she has yielded to my commands. I don’t kill the snakes in the hills—I feel that they serve a purpose in keeping the vermin down. And I sense that I am in their territory. But when they come into our area, they are out of line. I have been instrumental in getting those snakes killed. All my neighbors concur with this decision.

“Is it in the open?” I knew what I had to do.

“It’s under the tub! Oh. I’m scared!” she shivered, “What can we do?”

“Give me a minute!” and I walked towards the back door.

“What are you going to do?” she was desperate and figured I was doing like Ivan and leaving her to it.

“I’m going to fetch a spade,” I said matter-of-factly.

“He’s going to kill the snake!” Sylvia had no doubts. She has lived with me long enough to understand me.

Shirley led me around to the back of her house. There I saw a little red plastic tub lying upside down in the mowed grass. I looked at Shirley, “You’re brave to have done that! Good for you!”

I stuck the blade of the spade under the edge of the tub and flipped it. A large western red diamondback rattlesnake immediately began to take up attack mode. The first thing I noticed was that it had no rattles. The snake moved rapidly, and my first strike hit it about a foot down from its head, breaking its back. It’s wide-open mouth, fangs protruding, struck the spade. My second strike severed the head from the body, leaving it hanging by only a bit of skin.

“Wow! You’re so brave,” Shirley cooed, “Now what are we going to do?”

“Do you have a bag?”

She brought a plastic garbage bag stuck in a large paper bag and stuck it in a cardboard box. She placed this on the ground nearby and made sure the garbage bag was wide open. I picked up the snake by its rattle less tail and dropped it into the bag, tied it shut, and placed it in her garbage bin. I’ve heard that in some parts of the U.S., rattlesnakes are evolving into rattle less rattlesnakes. This has me concerned because rattlesnakes have always warned those who approach of their presence by their rattles. If that happens around here, it will make hiking in the desert more dangerous.

Satan, the old serpent, has been attempting to camouflage his presence, even getting the more gullible to deny his very existence. In this way they are not prepared for his attacks.

Preserve us, Lord, from the devil and save us from sin, so we will be ready for Your soon return.



Sunday, September 8, 2024

Feet That Bring Good Tidings






Nahum 1:15 King James Version

15 Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace!


We have had well over a week of three-digit temperatures (over 40ºC). At night it seldom gets down to 80º (27ºC). When it does, I can consider turning on the whole-house fan to bring fresh, cool air into the house. However, lately it has been too hot even at 4 o’clock in the morning.

The other morning, I went into the back yard. Hundreds of little clouds curdled the sky. It indicated another hot day, but right then it was pleasantly warm. Early dawn turned the hills and trees around me into dark silhouettes. The clouds reflected the city lights and were almost glowing. I watched, enchanted, to see if I could make out a star in the dark lacey background. Nothing!

After five minutes or so, I caught the faint glitter of a star. The star watcher in me chided me for not bring my phone with its Sky Map App. It would have suggested which star I was seeing. The star played hide-and-seek amongst the cloud-curdled sky. Then a second star joined the first one in a dance among the clouds. With patience I watched the dance until two or more stars joined in.

Clearly what I was seeing was the constellation of Orion. Adventists have long taught that Christ’s return would come through the “open space” in Orion.

Standing there in the pleasant early morning stillness, I sensed the feet of him who was bringing good tidings of peace. This was a far cry from the morning news of war, rampant crime, dirty politics, human trafficking, and runaway inflation.

Lord, we eagerly await your soon return!



[1] https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51915359715_47f8ed32dd_b.jpg

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Midnight Answer



Psalm 84:12 Contemporary English Version

12 Lord God All-Powerful, you bless everyone, who trusts you.


Two Canadian students, Sarah and Nolan, told me they wanted to write a historical novel about my mother. Intrigued, I consulted with them over a period of three months or so last year. This summer when Sylvia and I drove east on vacation, I decided I’d like to meet them while we were out there. They both seemed excited by the prospect. While back in Michigan, I tried to set up a time to see them. Over a period of a week or more, I got more and more frustrated because I couldn’t work something out for the convenience of the three of us. I found it impossible to get hold of Nolan by phone. I was discouraged beyond measure.

On Saturday evening, June 22, we were at Sylvia’s cousin’s home in Oswego, Illinois. After walking their dog Munchkin around the block, we retired to our room. We chatted about what we should do next, wondering seriously if the Lord didn’t want us to see them and decided to lay out a fleece. At 8:12 p.m. CDT, I sent Nolan a text: “Nolan, as you know we are planning to be in Canada soon, and we would love to see you. Please call me on WhatsApp or regular cell phone or text me so we can finish laying our plans.”

We decided that if he didn’t call or text, we would know the Lord didn’t want us to stop and see them. We went to bed and to sleep. At 12:45 a.m. CDT, my phone jarred me awake. It was Nolan. We chatted for 18 minutes. During the conversation I asked him to arrange for a meeting with him and Sarah, together or separately. I would arrange my trip to be there at the time or times he arranged.

Relief and peace flooded me. I lay back on the bed and laughed for the next 20 minutes while Sylvia slept the sleep of the just. My mind went through the experience of Abraham and Sarah, when they laughed at the news that they were going to have a baby boy—Abraham 100 years old and Sarah 90! I laughed because of God, who doesn’t sleep, arranged the call so quickly and in the middle of the night.


Remember the events? In Genesis 17 God tells Abram he is going to have a son through Sarai and changes both of their names. “Abraham bowed with his face to the ground and thought, ‘I am almost 100 years old. How can I become a father? And Sarah is 90. How can she have a child?’ So he started laughing” (Genesis 17:17 GNT).

Then in Genesis 18, God visits Abraham’s camp on His way to Sodom, and again He announces that the couple will have a son. Sarah is inside the tent listening to the conversation. “So, Sarah laughed to herself and said, ‘Now that I am old and worn out, can I still enjoy sex? And besides, my husband is old too.’

“Then the Lord asked Abraham, ‘Why did Sarah laugh and say, “Can I really have a child when I am so old?”’…

“Because Sarah was afraid, she denied it. ‘I didn't laugh,’ she said.

“‘Yes, you did,’ He replied. ‘You laughed.’”  (Genesis 18: 12-15 GNT)

The encounter impressed them so much they named their son Isaac, which is Hebrew for “He will laugh!”


We all agreed to meet at the St. Thomas SDA Church On June 29, 2024. This was also the church’s 125th anniversary celebration, so it was crowded. We not only had the privilege of meeting Nolan, a third-year student at university, and his family—parents, and sister—but also Sarah and family—parents, two sisters and four brothers. Sarah narrated a video history of the St. Thomas Church. We gained a rich blessing from the faith of both families. Now we look forward to reading their book.


Dear Lord, thank You for Your personal intervention in our affairs when we need Your wisdom!


[1] https://www.facebook.com/stthomassda/

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Why Coso Junction Rest Area?


Proverbs 3:6 King James Version

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


We had planned to take a trip to the north during this month of August. Sylvia has a brother who lives in Washington, and I have three cousins there. Besides that, we have a number of relatives and friends along the way. We laid out an itinerary and phoned the people we planned to visit. Remarkably, they were all going to be home and welcomed us to stop with them.

We debated whether to take our Ford F150 pickup or our Kia Forte sedan. Sylvia was anxious to take the car—it is very comfortable and interfaces well with our phones, and gas mileage is at least a factor of two better than the pickup. I love the car, but for traveling purposes I love the F150. We have a cap on the back and a comfortable bed that is always ready for us to just climb into. We can park it anywhere, and that becomes our home! One night a couple weeks ago, in our Forte, we pushed the seats back and stretched out to see if we could sleep in the Forte. Sylvia did pretty well; I finally drifted off to sleep about 2:00 a.m. The Forte trunk size is ample so that we don’t need to place any of our luggage on the back seat. That way we could stretch out the front seats without having to find room for the baggage behind them. We agreed to take the Forte.

When I rolled out of bed Monday morning, August 5, the day of our planned departure, I said to the Lord, “You know that I haven’t really talked to You about this trip. Bless us on the highway! Speak through us as we talk with our loved ones in route. May we be a blessing to them.” Then I thought a bit and prayed further, “If You want us to not take this trip, let us know. If you want us to see other people on the trip that I don’t have on our itinerary, we’ll gladly adjust our itinerary.” This increased my confidence as we packed the car, dropped off Katie with our son Fred and his wife Uni and their big dog Oso, and headed north.

The day was hot, about 105º F (40º C), as we filled up with gas and headed up the Cajon Pass and then north on US 395—dubbed locally as the Suicide Highway. By the time we reached the summit of the pass, the temperature had also risen to 114º F (45º C). The Forte has a much better A/C than the F150, and it ate up the miles while keeping us in comfort. Well past the suicide part of the highway, we came to the Coso Junction Rest Area. We stopped for the bathrooms. We usually walk around the rest areas to get a bit of exercise but didn’t here; it was still 111º. We had pulled out our map and were examining it when my phone rang.

 It was my ENT specialist, Dr de Jager: “I’ve just gotten one of your lab reports. You’ve got Staphylococcus Aureus. It has probably coupled with your MRSA. You need to get to the emergency room.”

“I’m 168 miles (270 km) away from home in the middle of the Mojave Desert.” As I said it, I remembered the prayer of the morning.

“Well, I feel that it is very important that you get attention right away. Find a hospital or urgent care nearby and go to the ER.”

Almost the closest was Riverside Community Hospital at home. If I was going to be hospitalized, I wanted it to be near home. It was 5:00 p.m. We turned around and headed home. I was exhausted and asked Sylvia to drive for a while. Sensing the urgency, she headed down the road at break neck speed. After about 50 miles of that, I traded places with her and headed home as though we were just traveling normally. It was 9:00 p.m. when we pulled into the hospital, and they threatened to admit me. Around 2:00 a.m. they gave me a script and told me to go home.

The net result is that we have postponed our trip north—indefinitely. By the next day I was feeling significantly worse and am happy that the Lord indicated what He wanted us to do.

Thank You, Lord, for taking an active part in my life. Now I pray that You will help me lick this disease.



[1] At Coso Junction CA. The Sierra Nevada Mountains on the left have Mt. Whitney, Highest point in the lower 48 states; https://igx.4sqi.net/img/general/600x600/2226492_O7xexnk_dUZWCf9iIyKR_BeU1OLTSmFE3gJkUPpMQmM.jpg