Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Hurry to Obey



Psalm 119:60 Good News Translation

60 Without delay I hurry to obey your commands.


Dad once commented that the Lord had a hard time with him. Unless God knocked him up the side of his head with a 2 x 4[2], He had a hard time getting Dad’s attention. At times I know I am like that.

Sylvia and I went to Africa as missionaries shortly after we got married and I got an education. Or intention was to be missionaries for the rest of our lives. It had been three years of double-digit inflation and no cost of living (COL) adjustment. It was December 1978 and we were not making it financially. Sylvia was not able, at that time—with three kids, to hold down a job. In 1979 we were due a furlough. We prayed the Lord to either give us a substantial COL adjustment or we would take it as a sign that we should return to the U.S. on permanent return (PR).

We fully expected the Lord to give us a COL because we had pledged our lives to the mission field. He didn’t. Because of our pledge, we delayed accepting His directions. We delayed for four months. We actively tried to get an increased income flow—to no avail. We were sure we had misread His intentions. I felt a growing level of stress pressing on me. It was almost palpable. I got a job offer in the States and had delayed deciding on that too. Suddenly it was either accept it or lose it. We urged God to tell us what to do. That evening the two by four struck—God said in a sardonic voice, “I already told you!”

Thud! Finally, I felt it. I responded immediately, resolutely “Okay, God, we’re going on PR!” Stress vanished. In its place I experienced a profound peace.

Grant us, Lord, the ability to recognize Your voice and “hurry to obey” it.



[2] A board of indefinite length with a cross section that is two inches by four inches—commonly used in California to construct houses.

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