Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dry Eye


Ephesians 1:18 Contemporary English Version

18 My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and you will understand the hope given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours together with all God's people.


Sitting this morning while heat treating my eyes because of dry eye disease, I got to thinking about my eyes. In the normal eye, tears flow over it all the time, keeping it moist and able to see. I have spoken with several professional eye doctors[WC1] . They have told me that I have dry eyes because there is not enough liquid coating my eyes. Forgive me for laughing at that amazing discovery.

Pursuing the topic, I find that tears come in three layers. On the actual surface of the cornea of an eye is the Mucin Layer. It helps make the tears actually stick to the eye. Then there is the aqueous layer of mainly water with salts and other chemicals to feed the surface cells on my eye. Finally, there is a lipid layer which is an oil that prevents the aqueous layer from evaporating too fast. The lipid layer is secreted by Meibomian glands that exist along the inside of the upper and lower eyelids. 

One scenario of dry eye disease is that the Meibomian glands wear out and disappear. When this happens, less and less lipid oil is secreted into the eye. Without the oil, the aqueous layer evaporates leaving the surface of the eye dry.  An ophthalmologist showed me a microscopic view of the inside of my eyelids and how my Meibomian glands are almost all missing. I asked him what I could do about it. He offered to run a plastic gadget over this surface of my eyes and hopefully stimulate the glands to regenerate. He told me that my condition was pretty extreme and this treatment probably wouldn’t help. So, he recommended that I not do it. The treatment was expensive and not covered by insurance. I took his recommendation.

Since I live in the California desert, the air is often very dry. Therefore, doctors recommend I keep a humidifier handy besides several vials of preservative free eye drops in my pocket to add to my eyes when they feel dry. My wife Sylvia helps by giving me hydrotherapy treatments on a regular basis.

During my morning meditations while doing this heat treatment, I considered the extreme complexity of the eye.  Who knows how many different parts of the eye and its environs all work in perfect harmony to provide us with sight? If any one of those often-microscopic parts quits working, it affects the sight. Then the mathematical side of my brain began to reason about the possibility that all these different parts evolved and work in harmony. The probability of this happening by random mutations is tantamount to impossible. Mathematically, the only way we have eyes is that they are designed by an intelligence. Hence there must be an infinite, beneficent designer. This Designer is the one who offers us His glorious blessings.

I pray with Paul that light will flood your hearts and you will understand the hope given to you when God chose you.




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