Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Upper-Room Hideout



Matthew 27:62-63 Contemporary English Version

62 On the next day, which was a Sabbath, the chief priests and the Pharisees went together to Pilate. 63 They said, “Sir, we remember what this liar said while he was still alive. He claimed in three days he would come back from death.


John 20:8-9 Contemporary English Version

The disciple who got there first then went into the tomb, and when he saw it, he believed. At that time Peter and the other disciple did not know that the Scriptures said Jesus would rise to life.


I feel stunned, with the disciples on that Sabbath day. Jesus, the Messiah, and their Lord, was dead. All hope was gone. They had great plans for the new kingdom. They had given everything to help these plans to materialize. And now, to make matters worse, they felt that they were next in line to be killed. Jesus had told them clearly that He would be killed and would rise on the third day. In their grief they didn’t remember that, at all! I can only imagine how traumatic this must have been.

Over 40 years ago we put out a fleece as to whether we should leave Africa or remain missionaries there. God answered the fleece unequivocally that we should leave Africa, then within five days He sent me a job offer in the U.S. But we had devoted our lives to Africa, especially Sylvia. We ignored the fleece and proceeded with our plans to remain missionaries. However, God removed His peace from our lives. I felt strong physical pressure on me. It only got worse as time went by.

In the disciples’ experience after Christ’s death, the women brought news of Christ’s resurrection. The disciples, John and Peter, immediately dashed to the tomb and confirmed the report. Still the disciples refused to accept the report. It was only after they saw Jesus for themselves, did they accept the fact that Christ was alive. Christ did not scold them harshly for forgetting his promise, however, he certainly chode Thomas for lack of faith and holding his doubt for a week.

At the end of four months of trying to change God’s plans for us, I finally quit my resistance and told the Lord I would do things His way. Instantly I felt the physical pressure lift completely. It took Sylvia a few hours longer to wrestle with her determination to continue as a missionary. However, Christ’s acceptance of us was as swift as it was with the disciples in the upper room.

Thank You Lord for accepting us even after we test Your patience while we delay.  

[1] http://www.magdalenepublishing.org/novena-pilgrimages/

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